Graduation Trip - Part 1

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Kongpop laid on his stomach after he flopped down on top, "For someone messy your very well organized."

Arthit slapped him on the back side.


Arthit smirked as he closed their shared suitcase. He zipped it up before putting a pad lock on and picked it up to place by the door. He stood by the side of the bed with his hands on his hips.

Kongpop placed his arm under his head as he looked up, "We have an hour before we leave."

Arthit kneeled on the bed, "Are you going to actually tell me where we're going?"

Kongpop shook his head.

Arthit pouted "a small hint?"

Kongpop smiled "takes over 4 hours and under 5 hours to get there." Arthit took his phone from his pocket but Kongpop slid it back out "No peeking looking up flight times either."

"Oh, give the phone back."

He shook his head and placed it under him.

"I won't look."

Kongpop closed his eyes facing away from the elder.

Art punched him on the arm.

Kongpop turned away from his fist "ah" he clutched his arm.

Arthit smirked and swiped his phone from the bed.

Kong rolled over and stood from the bed still rubbing his arm, he stopped at the desk to switch all electricity off for the room. While Arthit emptied the last few items from the fridge and putting them in a bag.


Arthit leaned forward onto Kongpop's chest as they stood in line at the check-in point. Kongpop had his hands in his pockets as Art looped his arms through them. He sighed patting him on the side. "We're moving."

Arthit pulled away clutching the suitcase by the handle as they moved towards the front.

Kongpop opened his backpack and got their passports out and other travel documents.

Arthit rubbed his nose as they stood at the desk as Kongpop checked them in and dealt with the bags. Kongpop pointed to the scales for him to pick the suitcase and weigh their luggage. Arthit plonked it on before the staff put the sticker on facing it away from Arthit eyes.

Arthit rolled his eyes, "Really, you got the staff in on it."

Kongpop smirked taking their passport and tickets from them.

The staff looked down at the computer and smiled a little. "Here you go!" she smiled mentioning to his bag to put the hand luggage sticker on.

Kongpop said goodbye and dragged Arthit by the wrist. He stopped at the restroom and laughed as Arthit offered to take the bag. "You're so infuriating!"

Kongpop smiled before disappearing.

Arthit intertwined his fingers and looked round the airport, gazing at the flight board glancing at his watch before staring at the times. He pursed his lips "4 hours" he whispered, "still in Asia" he pondered.

Kongpop smiled holding a cold beverage to his cheek.

Arthit jerked forward "Oi, Kongpop."

Said person moved to the side to dodge the usual hitting he was to receive. He smiled moving his backpack up his shoulder and handed him a drink. He sat down beside him, "Here!" he handed him his water.

The Real World - Kongpop/ArthitМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя