After Graduation - Part 2

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"Never Have I... Got rid of a gift from a friend because you didn't like even after you said you did."

Bright and Prem took a big gulp of their drinks.

"Never Have I... Lied to family member to have sex."

"Bright, that was just you," Prem stated as nobody took a sip of their glasses.

"Never Have I... had one-night stand."

Bright took a drink.

"Never Have I... dumped a girlfriend over text."

Bright took another drink, having to finish his whole glass after drinking over 6 times in a row.

"Never Have I... Ditched a friend to have sex"

Toota and Bright drunk.

"Never Have I..." Bright burped.

"Oh!" the gang threw tissues at his head.

Bright batted them away, "This is not fair! You obviously ganging up on me."

Prem nodded, "Well yeah!"

"Never have I... cheated on a test!"

"Lame Arthit" Bright exclaimed as he drunk his drink alongside other members.

"You come with a better one!"

"I will," Bright smugly said. It was silent for a minute, "Alright, Alright I'm getting there."

"Never Have I... got hard in public?"

Everybody drank their drinks except Arthit.

Bright raised an eyebrow.

Arthit let out an exhale through his nose before timidly.

Bright pressed his fingers into his eyes, "Oh my god!" he exclaimed at the confession of the most prude member of his friends.

Toota smirked over at Arthit, "When?"

Arthit shook his head, "This stupid game does not allow explanations."

Kongpop chuckled as he buried his face into the back of Arthit neck. They resumed their previous places with Kongpop laying back on the backrest and Arthit sitting between his legs back to chest.

"Even your boyfriend isn't aware of it!"

"Okay okay who's go is it now?" Prem stated.

"Never Have I... Fantasied sex with another person besides your other half."

All drunk except Bright and Toota.

"You better not have" Rome spoke up elbowing Bright in the chest who held himself in pain and gave him a sad puppy dog eyes.

Toota giggled.

"Thanks a lot!" Bright gritted his teeth towards him. "This game is lame let's do something else."

Prem sniggered, "Bet you want to change game" he jibed.

Bright raised his fist but put it down when he glanced at Rome who had his arms crossed. "Arthit did say it was for teenage girls."

"Let's play a drinking game that Rome can get to know us better and not think Bright is a sexual deviant" Knott suggested.

"Yeah! Hey!"


Arthit sputtered as he looked up from Kongpop's arms as his friends pointed at him. "I" he stuttered. Arthit crossed his arms. "Well At least I'm not Most Likely to trip on a flat surface" he directed at Bright who was hiding his face in his partner's hair.

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