Ch 15. One Month Later

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One month later

Why did I have to see him again?

Just why?

Why doesn't he want me to be with him or by his side at all?

I heard a knock at my bedroom door. I can an familiar wolf smell, Seth is here. I looked at my bedroom then looked back in at the floor.

"Hey Evie, I'm coming in." Seth said before he walked into my bedroom.

"Hey Seth, why are you here?" I asked him, not looking up at him and he sat down next to me on my black rug on the floor.

"You haven't been out of your room for a month again. We're worried Evie." He  said then he hugged me. I wrapped my arms him, hugged him back.

"Seth, I don't want to be like this again. I hate this, a lot. If I was human I would have tears running down my face." I whispered.

"Everything is going to okay Evie." Seth whispered back. "I'm right here."

"Wow, I didn't expect this to happen." Emmett said as he walked into my bedroom, Seth and I turned to look at my older brother. "Evie can you please tell me what's wrong? I just want to know why my little sister is upset and wouldn't leave her room again."

"Well remember when we're fighting off Victoria, Riley, and the newborns?" I asked as Emmett sits down on a chair.

"Yes." Seth and Emmett answered at the same time.

"Well when the Volturi came, I found my mate. I felt like he rejected me. And last month, when they came because of Renesmee, I saw him again." I said.

"Okay but who is he?" Emmett asked me.

"Well what I heard from Alice, he has a gift that can take away your senses, by an black smoke or must that comes out of his hands." I answered.

"Alec." Emmett said. "Jane's brother."

"No wonder why you were so upset Evie." Seth said. "Does there anyone else knows?"

"Only Rose, Alice, and Esme. And now you two." I answered.

Then we heard footsteps coming near my bedroom door. Seth still has his arms around me, he still tried to pull me closer to him. Emmett give us an weird look before his head to my bedroom door.

"Can I come in?" Rosalie asked from outside of the door.

"Yes." I answered and she walked in.

"Are you okay Evie?" She asked me as she sits down next to Emmett.

"Kinda, maybe."

"Rose, we know now why she didn't leave her room. The first time and this time." Emmett said.

"I know, it's because of him. But there's two reasons why I'm in here now." Rosalie said. "For one Carlisle said Evie needs to fed and second Alice had another vision."

"Is it good or bad?" Emmett asked her. She looked at him, then Seth and I.

"Well Alice said in her vision, Aro found out about Alec and Evie being mates. By using his gift." She said. "And there's something else."

"What is it then Rose?" I asked her.

"Alice said something else about the vision. She said Alec actually wants Evie." Rosalie said.

"What the hell?" Seth asked while standing up, unwrapping his arms from around me. "Why does he want her now? He has never been there for her at all! Even though they're mates!"

Then he ran out of my room, leaving the house. He was angry. I ran after him. Leaving my room, then leaving the house and into the woods.

"Seth!" I yelled out in the woods as I ran and looking for him. "Seth!"

"Evie!" I turned to see Leah and Jake standing not to far away from me.

"Where's Seth?" I asked them.

"Why do you mean?" Leah asked me. "We thought he was with you."

"He left the house, he's upset. I'm getting worried." I answered her.

"Why?" Jake asked me.

"Because her mate wants her." We heard Seth said from behind me.

"Seth clam down." Jake said to him. "Remember how I was with Bella? I wanted her to be with me, not with Edward. But their each other's mates. They belong together."

"But Jake."

"Listen to him Seth." Leah said to her younger brother.

"Leah shut up!" Seth said to her.

"Seth! Don't talk to your sister like that! Emmett doesn't talk like that to Rose or me or anyone else in our coven!" I yelled out. "Jake is right Seth. He was in love with her even though they wasn't mates. Things happen for an reason. But Bella married her true mate and Jake kinda found someone else."

"Listen Evie. There's something I have to tell you." Seth said walking closer to me.

"Then what is it Seth?"

"Evie I love you." Seth said. My golden eyes widened. Jake and Leah didn't say anything. "I don't want to lose you."

"Seth I don't want to lose you too. You're my best friend and you're like an brother to me." I said and I ran over to him, I hugged him. He hugged me back, smiling.

"Evie there you are." We heard Emmett walking over to us, Rosalie and Jasper was with him.

"Seth is her eyes still black?" Jasper asked him. Seth and I pulled away from the hug. Seth looked at my eyes then looked back at them.

"Yes." He answered.

"Evie you need to hunt. Like right now." Jasper said.

"Okay. I need something to drink anyways." I said. "And Seth, thank you."

"For what?"

"For getting me out of my room." I said. Then Jasper, Emmett, Rosalie, and I left to go to an different area of the woods. Leaving the three shifters behind.

I needed to go hunting anyways.

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