Ch 1. Years Later

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Years later

I'm in the back seat of Edward's car while his blood singer Bella was in the front with him as he park his car in our high school parking lot. I picked up a smelled of something just like an wolf shifter around the area. Edward seems to notice.

"What?" Bella asked.

"If I asked you to stay in the car, would you?" Edward asked looking at Bella, then me. Edward got out of his car, Bella and I got out as well. "Of course not."

As we walked, we saw Jake around the front of our school with his motorcycle. He looked kinda pissed off about something.

"Hi Jake." I said.

"Hey Evie." He said then looked at Bella.

"Hey." Bella said.

"Charlie said you left town." He said.

"Yeah to visit my mom. Why?" Bella said and asked him.

"He's checking to see if you're still human." Edward said and I rolled my golden eyes.

"Oh Edward shut up." I said.

"Look, I'm here to warn you. If your kind come on our land again." Jake said. Oh it's about what happened a couple days ago. Oh boy.

"Wait, what?"

"You didn't tell her?"

"Just leave it alone, Jacob."

"Tell me what?"

"Emmett and Paul had a misunderstanding. It's nothing to worry about." Edward said to her. Jake and I looked at each other, then he turned to look at Edward.

"Listen to you. Did you lie to get her out of town, too?"

"You should just leave. Now."

"She has a right to know." Jake said. "She the one the redhead wants."

"Victoria? Alice's vision." Bella said.

"I was trying to protect you." Edward said then Bella cut him off.

"By lying to me." Bella said to him, then turn to Jake. "Okay, we're gonna talk about this, but you. Why haven't you called me back?"

"I had nothing to say." He said turning around to get back on his motorcycle.

"Well I have tons. Hold on." She said.

"Hey. Bella."

"Edward, you have to trust me."

"I do trust you. It's him, I don't trust." Edward said. "And I don't think Emmett trust him being around Evie too."

"Edward, Emmett didn't give a damn about who I'm hanging out with, and that includes with wolves." I said and he gives me a weird look. "Jake if you want, I can go over there and apologize for my older brother actions."

"Okay, since you're the only one of your kind that can come over." He said then Bella got on his motorcycle. Jake smile at this, casing me to rolled my eyes again. Damn I wish they could stop fighting over her.

"Hey, lose the grin, Jacob. We're just going for a ride." Bella said.

"Hey Jake, wanna race?" I asked him.

"You can try Evie." Jake said. "Hold on tight."

Then Jake and Bella left the parking lot. I turned to Edward, then we both walked away from each other, him going inside the school building while I walked away from the parking lot and use my gift.

I wasn't seen by anyone anymore, I was invisible. I ran fast as I could to the pack house, well Sam and Emily's place. Soon as I got there I stopped using my gift, and a few minutes later they show up.

"Really Evie?" Jake asked me as Bella and himself got off his motorcycle.

"Yes Jake." I answered then laughed a little bit.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Bella asked him. "Evie and I are the vampire girls remember?"

"Hey, look who's back!" One of the guys said as they came out of the house. "Well hello Evie."

"Hi boys." I said, smile at them and laughed at a little.

"What up, ladies?" Quil asked.

"Quil? You, too?" Bella asked.

"Yep. Finally made the pack." Quil answered her.

"I'm glad you're here, Bella." Embry said. "Maybe we get a break from Jake's obsessive inner monologue."

"What inner monologue?" I asked them smirking.

"Evie." Jake said. He basically trying to warn me to not let the guys embarrassed him.

"I wish Bella would call."

"I wish Bella wouldn't call."

"Maybe I should call Bella."

"Maybe I should call Bella and hang up." Quil said and everyone laughed.

"All right, you can shut up now." Jake said and a teenage girl with short black hair walked out of the house looking kinda pissed off.

"Bella, Evie, this is Leah Clearwater. Harry's daughter." Jake said.

"Hey I'm sorry for your lost. I know the feeling of losing someone." I said and she looked at me, still looking kinda upset.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about about your father." Bella said and Leah turned to her.

"If you're here to torture Jacob some more, feel free to leave." She said and walked away.

"Fun, isn't she?" Jake asked.

"Bella, hi." Emily said as she and Sam walked out of the house. "Hello Evie."

"Hi Emily, Sam." I said and Emily hugged me.

"Hey." Bella said and Emily hugged her too.

"I was wondering when we'd see your faces around here again." She said while Sam came to Emily's side and put his arm around her.

"Sam we're good?" Jake asked.

"We're good. She won't be getting though our line any time soon." Sam answered.


"Yeah, that's right boys!"

"Come on Evie!" Embry yelled.

"Be there in a minute!" I yelled back, I turned to Sam and Emily. "Oh Sam about the other day. I'm sorry what happened with my older brother and Paul."

"It's fine Evie. Now go with the boys or go back to school." He said and I nodded my head.

"Okay Sam. Later guys." I said to ran to catch up the guys. There's no way I'm heading back to school today.

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