Ch 10. Finding Witnesses

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"At least we get to go to London again." Esme said as her and Carlisle were packing an bag. "We haven't been there in a long time."

"All right. Let's get this show on the road." I heard Jake said as he was walking in the room, then I saw him looking out an window.

"Jake, is there something wrong?" I asked him as I walked over to the window.

"Sam's here." He answered me. I looked the window, Sam was outside with something in the hand.

A note?

Almost everyone went outside. Sam walked into the porch.

"Hello Sam." Carlisle said.

"Hello Carlisle." Sam said then handed him an a note. "Alice asked me to give you that. She and Jasper crossed our lands to the ocean last night."

"Carlisle?" Esme asked him.

"They've left us." He answered Esme.

"Why?" Rosalie asked.

"She didn't say." Carlisle answered.

"Can I see that?" Bella asked him, Carlisle give her the note. She reading the words that Alice wrote.

Everyone started to go back into the house and Sam walked back to into the woods. I walked over to Bella, being kinda curious.

"What's on the note that Alice left?" I asked her.

"Gather as many witnesses as you can before the snow sticks to the ground. That's when they'll come."

[An few days later]

"Amun, please!" Carlisle said as Esme and I walked behind him. Currently, Carlisle, Esme and I are in Egypt. Trying to get Amun and his coven to come to Forks.

"I cannot help you, Carlisle." Amun said to him.

"I wouldn't ask if it weren't urgent." Carlisle said.

"You must go." Amun said. Then water that Amun had in a pool cover up the door way. We turned to see two more vampires, a guy and a girl.

"I'd like to hear about it." The guy said as arms was in the direction of the door way. He was the one who did that. "I never get to meet any of Amun's friends. He likes to keep me hidden."

"I can't imagine why." Carlisle said. Then the guy put the water back in the pool. We started walking near the door, the guy and the girl did the same.

"Carlisle." He said putting out an hand for him to stake.

"Benjamin." The guy said. Staking Carlisle's hand. "And this is Tia. It's nice to meet you three."

"This is Esme, my wife and this is Evie. Her and her brother are a part of our coven." Carlisle said. "And it's nice to meet you too."

"Benjamin, Tia, Evie also has a gift." Amun said to them. "Why don't you show them since Benjamin showed his gift?"

"Okay." I said then I used my gift, turning invisible.

"She's Invisible." Tia said. "So her gift is invisibility?"

"Yes." Esme answered as I stopped using my gift.

"That's really cool gift." Benjamin said. "I can control the elements."

"Like fire, water, air, and earth?" I asked him.

"Yes." He answered.

"That's very cool." I said.

[An couple days later]

I came back to Forks with Benjamin, Tia, Amun, and Amun's wife. Carlisle and Esme were trying to get more witnesses before coming back home.

Right now Renesmee is showing her gift to Benjamin. We watched as Benjamin took Renesmee's hand and made an small tornado.

"Benjamin can influence the elements." Edward said.

"And here I get super self-control." Bella said.

Then we heard something running in the woods, but it doesn't the animals. We turned to look and saw two familiar faces.

"Who are they?" Bella asked.

"Senna and Zafrina." Edward answered her. "From the Amazon."

Renesmee, Bella, Edward, and Jake walked over to them. Zafrina and Senna coming here to Forks to help out.

It's means our coven problem with the Volturi was being heard from around the world.

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