Ch 4. Mountain View

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"Seth hurry up!" I yelled. "We don't have that much time!"

"I'm coming Evie." Seth said and walked out of his house. Then he changed into his wolf form, I got on his back since I'm not in the mood to run and use my gift.

Seth and I are slowly becoming friends over the last couple months. His other sister Leah, still didn't really trust me that much yet, but she is slowly starting to trust me while I'm friends with Sam's pack of wolf shifters.

It took us about less than an hour to get there. I got off Seth's back and we both walked over to the tent that Edward and Bella used the night before. Bella got out of the tent and looked at us.

"Right. Hey, Seth." She said. "Evie, I guess Emmett still doesn't you want fighting the newborns?"

"Yeah basically." I answered.

[Flash Back]

"So, tomorrow we going to the field. Evie since Emmett doesn't want to fighting newborns, we got something else in mind." Carlisle said as we were in our living room.

"So, what is it then?" I asked.

"Since your gift is invisibility and you know how to control it, use it. Our plan for you Evie is to go up to the mountains where Edward and Bella are with Seth." Jasper said. "If Victoria, Riley, or any newborns come up there, use your gift and fight, because they wouldn't see that coming. Okay Evie?"

"Okay got it."

[End Of Flash Back]

"But even though I'm not fighting down there in the field, I'm up here just in case something happens." I said and Bella nodded her head. Edward started walking over to us.

"Where's Jacob? Did he already..." Bella said before Edward cut her off.

"Not yet. He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes." Edward said. Seth and I look at each other before I walked away looking around to see if it was safe.

"Hey Evie." I heard Jake said from behind me. I turned around to see him looking at me. "You're not fighting?"

"No I'm not, they got something else planned for me." I answered.

"Okay well I got to go." Jake said, starting to walk away.

"Jake one more thing." I said and he looked me. "You guys be careful. I don't you guys getting hurt."

"Don't worry Evie, we will be fine." He said. "I'll see you soon."

Then he changed into his wolf form and left. I walked back over to where Seth, Edward, and Bella are, I looked at them with a worried look.

"It's starting." Edward said. Bella and I got more nervous. Seth move closer to me still in his wolf form, I look at him and let his head. "Jacob just got here."

Then I got an bad feeling. Edward and I looked at at each other, and then we looked at Bella. I look back at Seth, I just know something bad about to happen.

"He's good." Edward said then looked at all three of us.

"Someone's hurt?" Bella asked him.

"She's close. I can hear her thoughts." He answered her, then he turned to Seth and I. "Evie, Seth, go."

I used my gift as Seth walked away. I climbed up an tree close by and I see someone with curly red hair.


But I smelled another vampire around the area, she not alone at all. I look at Edward and Bella and then see an male vampire walked out from the trees. Edward's right, that vampire is from Forks.


"Riley, listen to me." Edward said. "Victoria's just using you to distract me. She's knows I'll kill you."

I looked around and see Victoria near by them. I saw Seth near by as well, still in his wolf form.

"In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore."

"Don't listen, Riley. I told you about their mind tricks." I heard Victoria said to him. She actually using him, controlling him, and act like she's in love with him. What the hell.

"I can read her mind. So I know what she thinks about you." Edward said.

"He's lying."

"She's only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. That's the only thing she's cares about. Not you."

"There's only you. You know that."

"Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you."

"Riley. Don't let him do this to us. You know I love you." Victoria said. Riley looks like he doesn't want to believe Edward but only Victoria.

"You're dead." Riley said before running at them. Then Seth jumped on him. Then I jumped down, still being unseen and Seth broke off Riley's hand. Victoria tried to get away.

"You won't get another chance like this again." Edward said and she's stopped. "You want her. You want to me feel the pain you felt when I killed James, when I tore him to pieces, when I turned him into Ash, when I turned him into nothing."

I walked closer to Bella as Edward walked closer to Victoria. Victoria getting more pissed off by each second, then she ran at him. Victoria got up trying to get Bella, but I grabbed her and throw her at an tree. She turned back to look, very pissed off.


Edward and Bella started walking fast away and I ran over and Seth as he was still fighting Riley. Then Edward went to the tree where Victoria was and pushed it down.

She jumped off of it. Edward jumped on her, they started fighting. Seth and Riley looked over there, I grabbed Riley's arms before he attack Seth and he tried to look for me. Then Riley kicked Seth and got me off of him. He ran over and got Edward off of Victoria. I helped Seth up off the ground, Edward was trying fighting Victoria and Riley at same time.

Then I smelled blood, I looked over to see Bella bleeding. I ran over to help out Edward and grabbed Riley again and I punched him in the face before I throw him, only for Seth to attack him.

"Victoria!" Riley yelled out. "Victoria! Victoria!"

The red head didn't care, turned away from him. Bella was still bleeding. Edward and I ran over to Victoria, only for all three of us to start fighting. Edward tried to get her off and I tried to get her arms, but only her to flipped over.

"Watch out!" I yelled and stopped using my gift. Now Victoria see me, she tried to run at me, but Edward got her and bit her neck very hard. Her head and her body fell to the ground. Her life as an vampire was over.

I looked at Bella and Edward, I smiled. It was over and done with. No more Victoria.

"Burn the body, I look for Seth. We need to leave." I said walking away going into the woods. "I'll meet you guys on the field!"

Invisibility And Smoke (Alec Volturi)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat