Chapter 72

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*continuation of last chapter

The lights suddenly went all out and I froze. Chad. The Chad that had escaped jail and killed multiple people. The one I got shudders from yesterday.
Jack and the detective were yelling at me to run to safety in my ear piece but I couldn't do anything. He grabbed my wrists tightly and I tried telling him to let go. I kicked his shin which caused him to just tighten his grip. What was I thinking? He was definitely double my size and also double my strength.

"Grayson!" I yelled over the chaos of people and Chad quickly covered my mouth.
"Shut up bitch!" He said, I tried resisting and my eyes roamed the room looking for Grayson.

"Sofia!" He yelled from somewhere. I couldn't see him as it was dark and there were so many people surrounding me.

Chad pulled me out of the ball room and put a cloth with a weird odour on it over my mouth and the last thing I remember was being thrown into a van before passing out.

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I woke up sweating profusely. I opened my eyes and I was  sitting on the floor with my feet tied together and my wrists tied to a pole with handcuffs.. I looked around me. There were windows on the top of the wall with some light coming in but there was nothing else around me in the dirty basement.

I tried shimming the handcuffs of or the ropes and my feet but nothing worked

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I tried shimming the handcuffs of or the ropes and my feet but nothing worked. I heard some people talking outside the door.
"Hey Anybody there?" I asked.
A man opened the door.
"Well well well look whose awake." He said with a smirk on his face.
"I need water." My throat was parched and I was super dizzy from dehydration.
"Eliot! Get the hostage some water." He yelled at some one behind the door.
A boy around I 13 years old came back with a glass of water.

He held it to my mouth and I sipped it. I could finally feel myself again and I tried flipping my hair back to see better and Eliot just pushed it behind my ear for me.
How does a little boy like this get himself stick with these miserable people?

"You need anything else Doll?" The other older guy asked.
"No I'm fine." I said giving him a deathly glare.

"Okay, here put this on." He gave me a black tank top and a pair of black biker shorts too.
"You're going to overheat in that pretty dress if yours. Now don't complain and put it on." He said slamming the door shut behind him.

Another guy around 25 years of age cane in and he had a key in his hand and a bucket of water.
So he's the one with the keys.
He undid my handcuffs and stepped outside.
Eliot just quietly started working on getting the ropes off my feet.
I tried standing up but my legs were barely working from sitting there for so long.
Eliot gave me his hand and I took it and smiled at him. I got up and he took me to the bucket of water.

Pretend Love || A Grayson Dolan Fanfic Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant