Chapter 12

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The next day, I woke up with a really bad headache. I turned around to face Grayson and realized everything that we had done last night. I moved Grayson's arm off me and he woke up too. We both looked at each other and I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom. I didn't know what to do and I didn't have time to think because we had a flight in 20 mins. I quickly showered and changed into a comfy tracksuit.

I returned to the room and Grayson was still in bed just lying there.
"Um I'd recommend you get up and go to the bathroom now, we have a flight in 20 mins." I said to him quietly.
"Uh yeah. Turn around I'm naked." he said.
"Oh God Dolan as if I haven't seen you naked already." As soon as I said that I regret it.
"I'm sorry, Sof. We were drunk and not thinking straight, we can't act like it didn't happen." He sighed and got out of bed.

On the airplane, I felt anxious again because of my fear of flying but I thought of what Grayson told me to do and I did them and I wasn't feeling as bad anymore. I guess I was overcoming my fear finally. Grayson held my hand and hugged me throughout the whole thing and I was really grateful for him.

When we got back to my apartment, we both still had really bad hangovers. So we decided to take a nap for a few hours.

"Uh I'll sleep on the couch, I guess." Grayson said walking towards the couch in my room.

"Gray stop acting like a baby and come here." I said and put my arms out for him.
He walked towards me and I hugged him for a while. It felt genuine and not awkward anymore.
"Thank you, Gray for everything really. You helped me overcome my fear of flying and supported me throughout all the shows and shoots. To be honest it's okay what we did yesterday. It's natural, we were drunk."

"Thank you for understanding. I didn't mean to be so emotional last night. I guess it was the alcohol." He sighed and rubbed my cheek. We both looked into each others eyes.


We fell asleep hugging for a few hours.
We woke up in a few hours it was 5 pm. We were both feeling better.
"Come on. I want you to meet my brother, Ethan and our best friend, Valentina. Shes flying in for a while from her college in San Francisco." Grayson said.

I got ready and decided to wear a neon green silk dress with my white adidas.

I got ready and decided to wear a neon green silk dress with my white adidas

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I came out of the room and Grayson looked me up and down.
"Damn" he said biting his lip
"Gray stop your making me blush" I said shoving him playfully.

We got in his baby blue Porsche and went to his house. He lives in a beautiful glass excentred modern house with a pool with an amazing view and huge driveway.

We went inside and found Ethan whom I recognized from the twins YouTube channel

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

We went inside and found Ethan whom I recognized from the twins YouTube channel. I went up to him and gave him a hug.
"Ethan meet Sofia, my girlfriend. Sofia meet Ethan, my twin brother."
"Yes, I can tell." I said laughing.
We all started laughing.

There was a knock on the door and Ethan went to open it. I was a bit nervous and sat down on the grey couch in the living room. Grayson put his hand on my thigh and gave me an ushering smile.

A girl with blonde hair came to the living room. Grayson ran up to her and they hugged. The girl kissed Grayson on his cheek and I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous.

"Oh yeah. Valentina meet Sofia, my girlfriend." Grayson sad smiling wide.
I stood up and gave her a hug but she didn't hug back but just ignored me. She sat close to Grayson and put her arm around him possessively. I got up and walked around giving them time to catch up. To be honest, I just didn't like seeing girls all over Grayson.

I went to the kitchen and found Ethan.
"So what do you do for a living" he asked me.
"I'm sort of a model but not really big yet. What do you do?" I asked Ethan.
"I'm a director and actor but unlike Grayson I don't model. We have a YouTube channel but it's been dry for a while now." He looked sad mentioning the last part.

We talked for quite a while. Ethan seemed really nice but unlike his brother he was pretty outgoing. I liked him. I had a feeling we could be amazing friends.

Grayson came to the kitchen and hugged me from behind.
"So, wanna go in the hot tub for a while. Val is jet lagged so she went to bed in the guest room." Grayson said.
"Ye sure." I said and changed into my grey bikini. It was pretty revealing especially the bottom as it was a thong but I was comfortable wearing it around Grayson now.

 It was pretty revealing especially the bottom as it was a thong but I was comfortable wearing it around Grayson now

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I went outside and got in the hot tub with Grayson. We watched the sunset for a while, my head on his shoulder, his arm around my waist. I had a question for Grayson.
"Gray. I have a question. Did you mean what you said to me before we had sex?"
"Uh yeah. It's okay if you don't feel the same way though."
"Grayson, I do feel the same way. You make me feel a type of way I've never felt before. I feel safe and happy around you." I put my arms around him and he put his hands on my butt.

The next thing I knew we were kissing. And he's kissing me. Once, twice, until I've had a taste and realize I'll never have enough. He's everywhere up my back and over my arms and suddenly he's kissing me harder, deeper, with a fervent urgent need I've never known before.
We kissed for a while under the moon and stars.
"I'm sorry" he said out of breath "your lips just taste amazing." He said winking. I gave him a final peck and got out of the hot tub.

I went to his room and he followed a short while later.
"Here, you can change in the bathroom." He said throwing me an oversized merch hoodie and some baggy shorts. I guess I was staying the night. I went to the bathroom and peeled off my wet bikini and changed into the comfy clothes.

Grayson was already lying in bed shirtless, his toned abdomen exposed. It kind of made me wet but I shaked it off.
"So wanna watch a movie and eat some m&ms?" Grayson asked.
"Yeah sure." I said. Grayson got the bowl of candy and then we decided on watching "It Chapter 2". It was good just on the scary parts Grayson would turn his head away from the screen and our lips would be inches apart and I would feel this thing in my stomach for a split second and then he would just look back at the screen and it would be over.

After the movie, I turned off the tv and I reached over Grayson to turn off the LED lights but I fell on his chest.
"You know you could just stay like that. It's comfortable." Grayson said smirking.
"Oh well if you insist, Bailey." I said teasing and I adjust my head on his chest and put my arm around him. He stroked my hair and we both fell asleep soon.

Hope you liked the chapter😁
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