Chapter 18

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It was 12 a.m. so the roads weren't crowded. I felt free on a motorcycle, my hair flowing in the wind. I was finally driven to do something and I knew what I had to do exactly. I got to Compton and then found the address on my phone. I got to the address, it was a house in a small neighbour hood. The whole street was dark. I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I waited for a minute and then suddenly a light turned on inside. My heart started beating so fast. The door knob turned and the door swung open.
"Sofia!" It was Dylan.
"I need answers."
"You need to leave right now. Just trust me and leave." he whispered.
"Dylan you stabbed me, I didn't die but I could have. What made you do this." I was about to cry any second now.
" left me in jail. I know what I did was wrong but I was drunk and not thinking right. You should have give me a second chance." he said. I could see the pain in his eyes.
"You tried killing me. Who made you do it?"
"Valentina. She found out about me and gave me money to kill you. I couldn't though so I only stabbed you in the side. I'm sorry but you have to leave fast." he kept glancing behind him inside the house.
"Dylan, I'm- I'm sorry. Please forgive me." I said. Then I heard a woman's voice from inside the house. "Dylan? Who is it, babe?"
Valentina. That bitch.
"I forgive you know run. She's coming." He pleaded and turned around. Valentina came behind me and I ran as fast as I could. Faraway from the house. If I didn't die the first time, I didn't have a chance this time. Miracles don't happen twice.

I kept running until I reached the main road, several blocks away from the neighbour hood. I couldn't breathe and fell to the side of the road, on the grass. I looked at my wound and it was bleeding again. "Fuck" I couldn't breathe.

I didn't know who to call. If I called Grayson he was going to kill Dylan for sure. I called Ethan.
"E! I'm on Main Street intersection in Compton. I'm bleeding. Please don't call 911 and please don't tell Grayson." I said huffing.
"Oh god, Sofia. I'm coming just hold on." Ethan said and I hung up.

I had to hold on. I sat their on the side of the road clutching my wound. I heard a gunshot in the distance.
Dylan. No, no! This can't happen! I stared crying. My wound hurt even more and so did my lungs. My whole body was in pain.

Ethan's Jeep pulled up on the curb and he ran to me without stopping the car.
"Sofia. What were you thinking!"
"I'm sorry, E. Please don't call the ambulance."
Ethan lifted my shirt up revealing where my wound was bleeding.
"Shit, Sofia." He picked me up and put me in the car. He started driving towards the hospital.
"What the fuck were you thinking! What are you doing in Compton?" Ethan said angrily.
"E, I'm sorry. I can't breathe. I'll tell you later, just get there fast." I started crying, "I have to make everyone's life harder. What the fuck is wrong with me." I started crying really hard.
"Shh. It's okay. Tell me later. Just focus on breathing."
We got out of the car and Ethan took me inside holding me up. I was put in a stretcher and a nurse asked to rate the pain.
"An 8" I said. I was drugged to unconsciousness and don't remember anything after that other than Ethan's worry full face at the end.

I woke up slowly and opened my eyes. It was the morning now. I looked to my right and Ethan was sitting their holding my hand.
"E" i said.
"Sofia! Finally your awake."
A nurse came and tested my stuff and took off the oxygen mask. After a while, Ethan finally said: "Why were you in Compton in the middle of the night?"
"I knew, Ethan. I knew who stabbed me. It was my ex-boyfriend, Dylan. I tracked him down in my phone and asked him for questions."
"What happened after that." I couldn't tell Ethan about Valentina. She was Ethan's best friend, I didn't want to do that to Ethan.
"Uh, these thugs ran after me and I started bleeding again. I'm sorry, Ethan."
"It's okay. All that matters is that your fine now." he was quiet for a while until he talked again. "You know I'm so grateful for you. You changed my twin brother. Grayson was becoming someone I knew he wasn't. He drank, did drugs, slept with girls. He wasn't the same Grayson from New Jersey who I was born with, who I loved. But then you came and changed Grayson. He's changed for the better. Thank you so much." he kissed my cheek and gripped my hands.

"Grayson and you changed me to be honest. You guys showed me that life is too short and that I should be young, and not worry. I don't believe that if you do good, good things will happen. Everything is completely accident and random. Sometimes and things happen to very good people and sometimes good things happen to very and people. But at least if you do good things, then your spending your time doing something worthwhile. Good things take time, Ethan. If I was Grayson's miracle then he was mine as well."
We sat there for a while holding each other's hands in silence until a doctor came in the room.
"Okay. So, you need to rest for another day but after that you'd be back to normal. Take care, you're free to go home."

We both got in the car and went home.
"Ethan don't tell Grayson what happened. He's going to kill Dylan and I can't let that happen. Trust me." I said. He looked confused but just nodded back.

We got home and Grayson was in the kitchen.
"Oh hi guys! Where were you Sofia! I was worried sick." Grayson said hugging me.
"Sofia wasn't feeling well so I took her to the doctor for a check up nothing big." Ethan said. I mouthed him a thank you and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

I went home and rested for the whole day. I needed some time alone to wrap my head around things. Madison and Lilly got home in the evening and I told them everything that had happened. They were alarmed but just quiet for the most part. We never thought anything like this could ever happen. I guess this was the dark side of Hollywood, the one that was kept in the dark. We were all scared that some people like Valentina even existed but it was the truth about the world, there were bad people out there.

Hope your liking the story so far. More romance is coming soon!😉

Pretend Love || A Grayson Dolan Fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang