Chapter 4

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I woke up the next day at 9 because I didn't have any meetings or shoots today. I got up went to my bathroom, showered and brushed my teeth. I didn't bother to get ready because I had no where to go today so I decided to stay in my Victoria's Secret pajamas all day.

I went to the kitchen. Lilly and Madison had already gone to wherever they had to so I was home alone. I decided to make my self some avocado toast and some coffee. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. I then remembered that Grayson had told me about his YouTube channel with his twin brother called Dolan Twins. I looked him up on Youtube. He had 10.6 million subscribers, he was really famous but his last video was uploaded on October 8, 2019. I guess they lost interest in YouTube after that. I clicked on one of his videos, it was called "Facing Our Phobias". I couldn't help but laugh and smile throughout the video.
Grayson and his twin, Ethan seemed like such genuine and nice people. I would want to meet Ethan one day. I really wondered what happened that caused Grayson to have such a bad reputation now. I ended up watching about 5 videos. I loved their YouTube selves so much, they definitely deserved all the fans they had but everyone kept commenting that they missed the old twins and it made me a bit sad.

It was noon when I got a text from Natalie
Natalie: Hey Sofia! You and Grayson have a beach date today in a little while. Avery won't be doing your makeup because she is sick . So just be ready and look sexy in front of the cameras. Grayson will be picking you up soon.

As soon as I read the text I got a knock on the door. It was Grayson. He looked angry
"Hi Grayson. How are you today"
"Fuck I don't want to do this. Can I come in" he said rather angrily.
I let him in and he sat on the couch. He looked at the Tv. I had paused their Twin Telepathy video about half way through it.
"So you've been doing your research. Yeah. Me and Ethan haven't made a video in a while. I kind of miss it" he looked happy but then sad all of a sudden.
I felt embarrassed he probably thought I was a weirdo. I was getting red.
"Yeah I was just curious what your channel was like, that's it. Just wait here while I get my stuff for the beach. I was informed at a short notice. Sorry"

I went into my room and quickly put on some waterproof concealer and mascara and some gloss. I went into my closet and picked out a green one piece bikini and a white see thru skirt over my butt and legs for the ride there.

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I was really scared if Grayson didn't like my body

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I was really scared if Grayson didn't like my body. I didn't want him to but it's just that his intimidating look makes me feel like slime inside. But I already know he despises me. I don't know why though. I grabbed my Versace sunglasses and a bag with my phone and towel in it and went to the living room.
Grayson was staring off into the distance. Fuck he's so cute and adorable. No I couldn't be thinking this.
"Ok I'm ready let's go."
Grayson looked at me up and down with that same intimidating look that sent shivers down my spine.
"Come on, bab- I mean Sofia" Grayson said and just walked out the door while grabbing my hand rather harshly.

I was still confused about why he hates me so much. I wasn't that annoying. I had to be more cautious around him. I didn't want him to hate me for a full six months.

So, more chapters coming soon!
Please vote and comment your opinions and suggestions. Thx ☺️
Btw there will be some different POVs throughout the story.

Pretend Love || A Grayson Dolan Fanfic Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora