Chapter 5

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Grayson's P.O.V//
She came out of her room. And I couldn't help but check her out. Holy mother of God. She was beautiful and sexy. Her curves, her big butt and perfect c-cup boobs and full lips. No, Grayson! She's just another whore who just wanted attention, you should know by now. I shakes my head and got up and grabbed her hand and went quickly out the door towards the elevator.
We were quiet for a little while. I turned on the music to break the silence. Tame Impala's new single was playing "It might be Time". I was so happy but kept my emotions to myself and looked straight ahead. Sofia chirped when she heard it and started dancing and singing along.

" So, you also like Tame Impala" I said rather surprised, many people didn't t know about them.
"Yeah I love them!, At least we have something in common" She was right. I just looked at her in the mirror. She was amazing but it had to be a fake personality she made just so I would like her. She was probably just seeking fame just like every other girl I've been with.

We finally arrived at the beach. I changed into my turquoise swimming trunks and Sofia took off her white cover up. All of a sudden, all these paparazzi showed up. I didn't want anyone to see her in a bathing suit but I had to remind myself that this was the sole purpose of this relationship.

I took Sofia's hand and guided her to the private place where Natalie has told us to go to behind the cliff to avoid the rude fans and stuff after making sure to get enough pics for the paparazzis.

Laguna beach was actually really beautiful today. The sun was shining, really hot so I decided to get a tan.
"Uhh Sofia, would you mind rubbing sunscreen on my back please?"
"Yeah sure Grayson." She grabbed the sunscreen bottle and rubbed some on to my back. Her hands were so soft. I could tell she was blushing, I smirked.
After she put it on me. I spread out the blanket and we both lay down at least a foot apart. I almost fell asleep, this side of the beach was so quiet and peaceful.

Sofia woke me up "Hey Grayson, let's go surfing. The waves are high right now."
She pulled me up and ran towards the water. Her ass was jiggling and I felt a boner  growing in my pants. I quickly ignored it and ran towards her in the water. We surfed for a while. I wasn't really good at all and she laughed every time I fell over or slipped off my board but she helped me learn quick. After a while of having fun we headed back to our bags.

We both decided to go back to the car and get some ice cream before going home as it was sunset now. We headed to the car and some paparazzi came up again and started taking pictures. We were standing against the car. I remembered what Natalie had told me. I leaned into Sofia's ear and said:
"Kiss me"
"Kiss me, the paps are watching"
She hesitantly grabbed my face and leaned in. I crashed my lips on to hers. She kissed back. Damn her lips felt like heaven. I could go on for hours. Our kiss was getting more heated, she was leaning on the side of the car pressed against my body. I put my hands on her ass behind her and squeezed it. The butt I was so thirsty for all day today. She gasped a bit and pulled away. She quickly sat down in the car and put on the white coverup. I put our stuff in the trunk and for in the car.

I started driving. When we were on the road Sofia finally said something:
"What was that for perv?"
"Oh Natalie told me to kiss you or for us to do something romantic so everyone would think we were deep in our relationship that's all. And don't you dare call me a perv" I said kind of loud. How dare she say that to me!
"Oh I'm sorry Grayson, I didn't know" She looked really scared
"It's fine. Let's just not get ice cream and go home. I'm not in the mood."

When we got to Sofia's apartment, I was feeling a bit more relaxed. She got out of her car.
"Bye, Sof. Today was fun"
She just walked away. Was she angry at me?
I sighed and drive off to my house.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter in Grayson's point of view. Just so you know how he feels about Sofia. 😉 kind of a long chapter.
Xoxo 💋

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