Chapter 71

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Today was the day of the ball also known as the day I was going to be set as bait to capture one of the most dangerous organizations in the u.s. hence why I'm standing here in front of my bathroom mirror sweating profusely and feeling my breakfast crawling up my esophagus as another feared anxiety attack slowly approached me.

I tried to keep it in as much as I could. It's gonna be okay Sofia. Just chill. No need to puke. Shit. I lurched all of my breakfast out as much as my body could into the toilet and flushed it.
I washed my mouth and washed my face with cold water to stop the sweating.

I checked the time on my Apple Watch and saw it was already 2 pm. All I had been doing all day today was stare at the fucking clock. It wasn't helping the situation as I still had work to get done today and Lilly was desperate for me to do something rather than sit in the couch all day but this was the craziest thing I would ever experience in my life and also the most frightening. For all I knew I could be a corpse lying in some remote desert at this time tomorrow.

"Sofia! I need your help!" Lilly yelled at me from her room. She's already called me 3 times before this. I sighed, got up and went to her room.

"What is it fuckface can't you see I was busy?"
I said annoyed.

"I'm sorry I bothered you while you started at the clock ticking by." She said sarcastically and I just rolled my eyes.

"It's gonna be fine! There are literal bodyguards who have no soul standing outside our apartment, probably terrifying poor
Mrs. Jenkins next door and you're still scared. Besides you're gonna have a mic, secret camera, tracker AND a gun! There's no way they'll be able to get away with harming you because I will personally track down any motherfucker that attacks my snow bunny and kill them VERY slowly." She said confidently.

"Uhh I guess." I just sighed.
"What did you need me for anyways." I asked.
"I have to organize my very messy closet because I have a closet tour for Vogue soon." She said.

I walked towards her closet, "It'll probably just take a couple hours, how messy could it-" I gasped when I saw her closet. There were heeps of clothes, shoes and purses on the floor and all over the closet. I walked in her closet and looked up seeing a bra hanging from the lamp in the ceiling.

"Whoops." Lilly said while laughing nervously.

"How do you get a bra... never mind. This is gonna be hardwork." I said tying my hair back.

We first separated the clothes into a clean and dirty pile and then put the coats, jackets, dresses and sweaters on hangers while the dirty clothes were being laundered.

I organized all her purses and shoes on the shelves and glass cabinets while Lilly folded her shirts, pants, bras, panties and fitness wear in her drawers.
We were finally down by 6 pm. We gave each other a high five while admiring the new clean closet.

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Pretend Love || A Grayson Dolan Fanfic Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang