Chapter 38

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I woke up at 6 the next day and checked my phone and realized it was Christmas! I put on my pink pjs set.

I ran to my parents room and sang,"Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad!"

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I ran to my parents room and sang,
"Merry Christmas, Mom and Dad!"

They woke up and I jumped onto their bed with them, just like from when I was a kid.
"Your not gonna run downstairs for the presents today?" Mom asked.
"No, I'm not 7 anymore. I want to go with you guys!"
I pulled them out of bed and took them downstairs. We went up to the Christmas tree and their expression became surprised.
"I don't remember putting that many gifts under the tree."
"I wanted to get presents this year." I said.

Mom and Dad sat down on the couch and I opened my presents first. I got a new suitcase, jewelry holder and make up bag from my parents. I gave them hugs and then proceeded to give them their gifts.
"Okay mom it's your turn first. I have a Louis Vuitton scarf for you, a set of Chanel No5  perfumes and free mani and padis for a year at the most luxury spa in Toronto!"

"Oh Sofia you didn't! Thank u you so much!"

I gave her her stuff and she checked it out.

"Okay dad your turn."

I grabbed his gifts and sat down beside him.

"This is a Prada coat, Montclair jacket, Versace sunglasses and this card will get you free Chipotle for a year!"

"I can have as much Chipotle as I want for a year! Baby, this stuff... it's too much and too expensive."

"It's the least I could do to thank you for the years and years of hard work you put on for me and mom."

"Family hug!" Mom said and we all hugged.
"I love you guys so much."

I put away my gifts and everyone got ready. I put on a white sweater dress and grabbed my white Hermes purse.

 I put on a white sweater dress and grabbed my white Hermes purse

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We went out for brunch at a five star buffet in downtown. We ate and talked for a while.
We left the restaurant and found tons of paparazzi outside.

"Sofia! Sofia!" I told the security to take my parents out from behind while I got the car.

"Sofia, where is Grayson?"
"Sofia, did you break up with Grayson?"
"Why haven't you guys been together?"

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