Chapter 57

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I woke up the next morning and quickly put on some make up and changed my clothes. I put on a pink Dior matching shirt and pant that I had and paired it with some white Dior shoes.

 I put on a pink Dior matching shirt and pant that I had and paired it with some white Dior shoes

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I slapped on some make up and checked my phone. I had a message from Corey that he was landing in 30 minutes.
I grabbed a muffin and juice box from my parents kitchen and got in my dad's car to get Corey from the airport.

It took me about 20 minutes to get to Pearson airport in Mississauga and then I went to his terminal to wait.
I found him standing in the corner with his headphones on and black hoodie on. He always looked so cute when he was shy.

I walked up to him.
"Hey Cor, welcome to the 6IX. My home!"
"Hello, Sofia!" He gave me a big hug and we hugged for a while. I was feeling intoxicated and in love with his amazing scent.
Fuck. I hurt him so much and now he's greeting me with a hug. I'm truly going to break him by telling him I'm pregnant.

I let go and we got in my car. It was already noon.
"Hey, you hungry?" I asked
"Yes. I was so nervous on the flight. Today was literally the second time I have ever been in a flight and I was business class this time! You didn't have to get me an expensive flight!"
"There was literally only one flight left so I booked it. Anyways let's go to Panera bread and get food. These pregnancy cravings are sky rocketing right now." I laughed but Corey didn't laugh he just frowned a bit. He wasn't really good at hiding it.

I quietly drove to Panera bread and we ordered some risotto and cheese bread.

After lunch I took him home.
"Why did I expect a big mansion like in L.A?"
Corey said looking at the house while getting out of the car.

"Well growing up we didn't really have a lot to be honest. I guess that's something we both can relate on." I shrugged and gave him a smile.

He took his bags inside and I showed him around a bit.
"Here's your room." I said opening the guest bedroom.
"And the one beside it is yours right?" He said walking into my room.
"Wow. It's beautiful."
"Thank you. I painted the big palm leaves on the wall and put up the lights. I've always loved my bedroom but I'm getting a bigger penthouse soon here."

"Oh I didn't know about that."

"Your the first person I told. I'm thinking of buying one after a few weeks so my parents can have some more privacy when I'm here now."

"I guess we both just like staying in our rooms." He laughed.

"I spent so many years of my life trying to structure it, trying to make friends and be "popular" but in the end you can't really own anything. With all the bullying, teasing and jealousy I faced I was so overt it. I just like to stare at my ceiling sometimes all alone rapped up in a blanket and  just lay there knowing I was born alone and I'm gonna die alone."

"That's some deep shit... Frankly I was quite the opposite in high school. It was really just 2 years ago but I've learned a lot. The twins and I used to be best friends but I was the one who was on the sports teams and had a lot of friends but I never had a best friend. I was ashamed that if I got close to someone and they found out I wasn't wealthy they'd leave me and talk bad about me so the twins were really my only friends." He said staring at the wall.

"I always thought Grayson would be so loud and cocky and popular in high school."

"Nah, but I know they're still amazing human beings. I remember when they just randomly told me one day that they were leaving to Los Angeles to pursue a career when we were 15 and I was obviously so confused."

"They never mentioned it?"
"Nope, I was pretty sad and angry but soon I was over it and got really bad depression. I had to fight through it all alone."

"I'm so proud of you." I hugged him and we stayed like that for a while.

He yawned and rubbed his eyes.
"Are you tired?"
"Actually yeah."
"If you want you could sleep in my bed for a couple hours. I have some work, I could just do it in the kitchen.

I grabbed my laptop and went down to the kitchen. Dad was cleaning around.
"Hey Dad want some help?"
"No I'm done." He put away the broom and sat down beside me.
"I like that boy, Corey. He's really a gentleman."
"Oh yeah he's really sweet."
"How's work going?"
"Pretty great actually. I'm just replying to all my emails and forwarding them to my manager  for her to cancel shoots."
"Why?" Dad asked.

"Well I'm pregnant so I obviously can't shoot a bikini... dad I'm scared I won't be pretty after the baby comes."

"Beasty! Don't say that! You'll always be beautiful. Trust me it's always worth it. When you first hold your baby in your hands you'll know what it feels like to be a parent. You'll know how much I love you since the day I first held you back in 2002."

"What was moms reaction when she saw the pregnancy reveal?" I asked.

"We were so happy. We even drank a tiny bit of whisky and danced to our favourite music. She was extremely happy."

"Dad... I'm scared. I'm scared mom won't be able to hold my baby in her hands and be a grandmother." I started crying and put my head in dads shoulder.

"Baby, I know. I'm scared to loose the love of my life...  ur we can't loose hope. There's so much we still have to experience together."
"Let's go to the hospital." I said.

Dad nodded and I went upstairs to wake Corey up from his small nap.

He was already up and fixing my fairy lights.
"Oh my god, you fixed them! Those haven't worked for ages." I yelped seeing how beautiful it looked now.
"It was easy. I'm kind of a tech geek as well." He laughed.
"Anyways I came here to tell you that I'm going to the hospital. Wanna come?"
"Of course. Let's go!" He ran downstairs and we went to the hospital.

Later that night, Madison, Corey and I ate dinner together and played on the PS5.

Hey just a reminder that my other two stories are up. Please check them out!

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