"Good Morning, Chief!" Eijiro smiled happily as he plopped into the seat to the left of me, his girlfriend sitting beside him.

"Shitty Hair," I replied shortly, waving a hand in the air to signal that the servants could start serving breakfast.

There was a flurry of movement as servants walked from the room and down the side passage which leads to the kitchen. Whilst servants were walking from the dining hall and to the kitchen, Aizawa and his family walked into the room and took a seat by his son.

"Good Morning, King Katsuki." Aizawa yawned.

"Good Morning, King Katsuki." Aizawa's husband, Yamada Hizashi, chirped like a cockatoo.

"Good Morning." Eri smiled as the servants began to flood back into the room with platters of food and jugs of drink in their hands.

The delicious aroma of pancakes, waffles, toast, eggs, bacon, gammon and sausages flooded the room, making my mouth water and my stomach rumbled deeply. Several other grumbles echoed mine as my tribe and our company stared ravenously at the food being gently placed on the table.

Nobody wasted any time in lunging forwards to grab what they wanted or calling servants over to pour them drinks. I was sure to keep an ear and eye out to make sure that everyone was using their manners. This behaviour had been mocked by Denki and Eijiro throughout the year in which we had lived in the castle. But I wasn't going to let them being rude to the servants go under the radar, they may have been servants and frankly extras in the grand story which is my life but they didn't deserve to be looked down upon because of their position in my castle.

"What the fuck do you say, Dunce Face? She just poured your drink, what do you say to her?" I barked down the table. Denki looked up from where he was stuffing his face with meat and stared at me with wide eyes. He quickly looked to the teal haired woman with antenna behind him and bowed slightly in his seat.

"Thank you for pouring me my drink," he said around the food in my mouth. I rolled my eyes as the woman laughed lightly and said a quiet 'You're welcome'.

Breakfast continued on as was normal after that. We all made small talk, congratulated Denki and Hitoshi when we were all in the right state of mind and asked the servants to send our compliments to the chef. By the end of breakfast, we were satisfied and ready to go about our tasks for the rest of the day.

"Kyoka, before you go off, don't forget to tell your girlfriend or whatever you two are that she has to work alongside the rest of her friends. Just cause she's a princess and your destined, doesn't mean she doesn't have to work." I told Kyoka as she was standing up from her seat. She nodded her head in understanding before she walked away.

"Mina, go to Pink Cheek's room and check up on her. Also, take her down to the kitchens so that she could a little work down there. She's not heavily pregnant yet so there's no point in her being cooped up all the time." I ordered. Mina jumped up from her chair and saluted me with a cheesy smile before pecking Shitty Hair on the lips and skipping away.

"Eijiro and Shinso, go and organize the guards. I want more present in the places where the 'prisoners' are working. We just have to be cautious." I sighed. They both nodded before walking away.

"Denki and Hanta, sort out that shit storm of a meadow. I saw it on the way here and it was atrocious. It's ruining my view. There are a shit ton of wasted fairies and nymphs out there and you know how they can be. Be quick about it." I grumbled.

"Fumikage, talk with the spirits up in the mountains and send them across the continent to gather information. It's imperative that we have information. I've got a gut feeling that some shit is going to go down soon." I said, pointing towards the raven headed man. He bowed slightly before walking away with Tsu in tow.

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