2K 51 10

word count // 675
pov // 3rd
warning(s) // angst-y-ish; small sadness

the part two no one asked for but i had an idea and i went with it

btw (Y/E/C) is your eye color
(Y/S/T) is your skin tone


Sokka, now having just lost Yue, felt the specific sadness he felt once before.  He closed his eyes, wiping his face of the tears and he turned away from his sister and friend.  He faced the back, the tail of Appa, and tucked his knees under his chin.

What am I supposed to do, (Y/N)?  I just lost another person really important to me.

Just be careful, okay?  Don't do anything irrational.  Yue wouldn't want that, I wouldn't want that, and you know it.  I love you, Silly.


"Sokka, are you okay?"  Katara rested her hand on his back, moving to sit next to him.  He turned his head away, new tears rolling down his stained face.  Momo hopped onto his head, grumbling quietly while curling up and lying his head down.  Sokka reached up and went to pet Momo, smiling when the lemur petted him back.

"I really miss her, Katara."

"I know you do—"

"No, (Y/N).  I know it's been almost three years, but I can't get the image of her laying there out of my head.  She-she died on me, Katara.  She-she told me she loved me right before she passed away.  I-I don't think she even hear-heard me say it b-ba—"  He started stammering and crying again, leaning in his sister's hug.

Katara held her brother's head, resting her chin on his crown and massaging his nape. She fixed his messy wolf's tail and let him fall asleep in her lap.

Sokka was woken from his sleep by a soft hand massaging his neck. He stretched and accidentally smacked whoever was next to him, making them—her—giggle. His eyes shot open and he sat up, almost crying at the sight in front of him.

(Y/N) reached over and fixed his hair, her own fringe falling over her bright (Y/E/C) eyes. They were almost the same as they were when she and Sokka were little, except they looked mature.

"Oh my Spirits, you look—"

"Exhausted, I know." Sokka now noticed how much older she looked. The life had returned to her (Y/S/T) skin and her face was more beautiful than it was a childish cute. She pulled her hair away from her face and looked over to the boy, smiling lazily. "Come on, now. We have to get up!"

She stood and Sokka went to cover his eyes. She laughed lightheartedly and uncovered his eyes. He kept his eyes on her nose, though. "You're naked, (Y/N)!"

"So are you! Why are you jumpy, Silly?"

She pulled a blanket around her body, winking as she turned to walk out of the bedroom. That's when Sokka noticed that a betrothal necklace was hanging by the door—one that she took down as she walked past it.

They were— "Are you coming, Silly?"

Sokka nodded, standing and searching for a pair of pants. She was getting ready outside of the room and when he exited, she wore a simple dress with her necklace now around her neck. She quickly brought Sokka into a kiss, giggling when he hesitantly wrapped around her waist.

"Sokka, are you okay?"

He looked at the girl confused, her face shifting to the death-like expression she held the very last time he ever saw her.  He let go of her, stumbling backwards as the life drained from her eyes and her skin grew pale, her face hollowing.

"Sokka, please answer me.  Are you okay?"  She suddenly sounded muffled, as of Sokka was wearing earmuffs and (Y/N) was standing almost ten meters away from him.  "Sokka!"

Katar was now in front of his face, lightly smacking his cheek in an attempt to draw him oito of his dream.  He started crying again, grabbing onto Katara and burying his face into her shoulder.  She held her brother tightly, bringing Aang into the hug as well.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)."


"Oh, Silly.  You don't have to apologize for anything."

I love you.

"I love you, too."


who cried?  i cried!
who wrote this during class?  i wrote this during class!
who now may have to serve detention?  not me, cuz my school isn't allowed thanks to co-vid :))

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