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January came to an end, followed by February and March too. Olivia was slowly starting to feel more like herself and was really starting to grow excited about having a son with Felix. There were still several problems in their relationship, but slowly they were ironing those out and praying to be good by the time May came.

"Hey, so before your Momma gets home... we need to talk about something." Felix spoke softly, as he stood next to the front window and kept glancing out the window to make sure Olivia hadn't pulled up yet.

"About what?" Ember asked from where she sat on the couch with Clare on her lap. Ember and Adalee had been coming around a lot more often than before just to make sure things didn't get bad again.

"I want to propose to your mother before your brother is born." Felix smiled weakly. He still wasn't a favorite with the older three, so he was nervous as hell to ask to have their blessing.

"Why?" Adalee asked.

"Because I love your mother... I know that her life has been incredibly messy, but I want to marry her. Hopefully give her some sense of safety... would you five be okay if I asked her to marry me?" Felix asked.

"There are going to be some ground rules." Ember spoke.

"Okay, hit me with them." Felix spoke, as he moved over and sank down onto the coffee table and stared at the kids.

"Don't force her into anything. If she says no, then accept it. And if she says no, you can't just leave because Garrett, Clare, and Ainsley shouldn't have to watch Momma self destruct again. Do you understand?"

"Don't be a jerk to Momma." Garrett huffed, and Felix nodded slowly.

"I promise, guys. So, can I give her this really pretty ring?" Felix asked as he pulled the black velvet box from the pocket in his jeans.

"Show it to us first." Ainsley smiled, as she leaned forward and went to snatch the box from Felix but he quickly hid it as Olivia's van pulled into the driveway.

"Don't say anything, okay?"

"Okay, we won't. And we also give you our blessing!" Ember spoke loudly, and the room filled with laughter as Felix's face grew beat red.

"You five are monsters."


That whole night, Olivia could sense something was off. Her kids were really giggly, especially the younger two. She watched as Ember or Adalee would elbow Felix and his face would grow red. So once the kids had went outside for a bit, Olivia decided that it was time to ask her boyfriend about what was happening.

"Why are you and my kids so happy tonight? I don't think I've seen this level of happiness in awhile." Olivia spoke. She was fine with everyone being happy, and she actually liked how the weight of her workday faded as soon as she walked into her house.

"You'll find out soon." Felix smiled, as he dried off a plate before laying it on the stack.

"I'd kinda like to find out tonight. I don't like surprises-"

"Liv, five of your almost six kids surprises." Felix spoke, and Olivia rolled her eyes as she smacked her boyfriend with the hand towel.

"Okay, so yeah... but still. I don't like other surprises. So please just tell me what you are planning so I don't get all anxious as I think about what it could be." Olivia sighed.

Felix looked at his girlfriend for a long moment before sighing softly. He stepped closer to her and placed his hands to her hips before pulling her close. He kissed her lips softly before smiling.

"Just wait and see, Liv. I promise that you'll love what I have been planning."


As the weekend slowly arrived, Felix finally had his plans finalized. He had the kids out of the house, and while Olivia was napping he was setting everything up. He lit so many candles on the deck and through out the backyard. He was going to do rose petals, but realized that the amount he'd need would probably cost about the same as sending his and Olivia's son to college.

"How was your nap?" Felix smiled, as his sleepy girlfriend came downstairs.

"It was okay... I'm not used to getting naps on Saturdays. The kids usually keep me up." Olivia replied tiredly. She moved to Felix and hugged him tightly, before looking out the backdoor and seeing the flicker of candles.

"What are those?" Olivia asked, as she parted from her boyfriend and moved to the backdoor. She went to open it slowly, but Felix stopped her as he wrapped his arms around her waist again.

"Olivia, you should probably grab a jacket. It may be getting warmer out, but it's still chilly." Felix smiled.

Olivia went and grabbed a jacket before pulling it on as she walked back to Felix. He opened the doors for her, and Olivia's eyes went wide as she saw more candles than she has ever seen together in one area.

"Babe, what is this?" Olivia whispered.

"Follow me." Felix smiled. He grabbed Olivia's hand and helped her onto the deck. He walked her slowly to the stairs before down onto the cold earth. They were barely into the circle of candles when Felix felt like just blurting out what he wanted too.

"Our whole yard will end up on fire if the wind hits any of these just right." Olivia sighed softly, since she didn't know what else to say because she had no idea what was happening.

"Liv, don't worry about that. We will be putting these out soon." Felix smiled.

"Okay, well tell me what's happening..." Olivia trailed off, as she shoved her hands into the pockets of her jacket.

"I know that I haven't been the best boyfriend, friend, or father figure to the kids... but I have tried my hardest to love you and those kids to the best of my ability. I know that for the rest of my life, I will always be working on making up for everything I've done. For all of the bad ways that I have made you feel. Olivia, but I'm ready to really make a change... a good one."


"Olivia, will you marry me? Even if I've been a complete piece of shit?"

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