Kickin butt is haaaard...

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Namasthe! Yup today its sanskrit/hindi. I am sorry for the one day hold up, athough not many wud actually care. I was wondering what i shud do, i mean,the story line is kay ig...but like keeping it going is da tough part. But am back now so yall can quit crying.

All of fairytail: NO ONE CARES!

Me: meanies.

Your pov:

I cant open my eyes. Ik that natsu said dragons but if i open my eyes, the spell is gone. I vould feel my energy starting to drain already. I cant lose focus. I call up one more spirit before falling to my knees. I still cant open my eyes. I hear chaos around me,and then i hear a roar. A dragon roar,which only confirms my suspicions. 

I have called the spirits of dragons. 

My mind goes into overdrive. Dragons. But that would mean that dragons had died somewhere below us. After this is done, i have to check it out. I hear natsu yelling FIRE DRAGOOOOOONNNN....ROOOOOOOOAAAAAAAR! And a dragon roaring along with him. Soon, i hear the clack of bones. That means that we won.

In my mind, i hear a voice. "Soon, little human. Very soon........" then i pass out.


When i come to, im in the infirmary , my limbs aching like hell. UGGGHHHH this sucks. Natsu walks in,nodding gravely about something happy said. "Hey! Youre awake! Awesome job ya did but next time, save some of the fight for me, kay? " he says.

I pretend to think about it, scratching my chin. "Nah." I say after a while. We both laugh. Then i notice something off. Natsu wasnt smiling nearly as happy as he was supposed to. In fact, i could bet my life that somethig was terribly wrong.

 "Seriously though, what happened? I mean, i remember callin the dead, but then i heard roars said....dragons?" I ask, uncertainly. I need to know whats bothering him.

"Oh..... yeah...about that... there is a dragon burial ground under neath the domus. Wendy, gazheel,lucy,gray,happy and carla went to check it out actually.." he says,scratching his head. I raise an eyebrow. "And you just FORGOT to wake me up and take me." I ask, irritably. "Shut uup wouldja? You were knocked out flat! Besides. None of that matters now. " he answers. 

Grrrrrrr. I hate it when he has a point. It happens very rarely,but i still hate those moments.

I sigh. I guess its alright. I ask him for details,and he fills me in on what the dragon told him. My eyes widen at the mention of lucy being held prisoner. So THAT'S  what it is. The natsu i know would never be this upset about anything, unless it had something to do with a fairytail member getting hurt.

"Gramps wants you to be on the final team tomorrow, while i go to save lucy ." He tells me. I flinch. The bombshell has now exploded. He isnt happy about it either, i can tell. He doesnt want to leave me,but he also knows that this is the best and safest method to gaining what we want.

I think about lucy. Sweet,funny lucy, who always smuggled me candy behind erza's back, since erza always tried to keep me fit. I smiled. I lift my head and murmur," we WILL get you back lucy. And we definately will win the games. For fairytail."

(Timeskip to final day, when the plan is underway )

"Aaaaand  lets wecome the guild who has suddenly made it to the top! FAIRY TAIL! " chapati lola yells. The crowd goes crazy. We walk out and the entire stadium goes silent. "Whats this! It looks as though natsu dragneel has been replaced by ...gray fullbuster! And y/n is still in the game!" He yells in disbelief. 

The awesomest wizard,me,y/nWhere stories live. Discover now