I dont like walls anymore.

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Hi. Yep. Thats it. Hi. No heeeeeyyy no hooollaaa no bonjour. Am in a wierd mood. Got writers block for a while ,thats why. Ugh that was a nerve wracking time. I am so sorry...no updates...for my.....very few readers😁.. 

Natsu: jeez,what a killjoy.

Me: natsu.....is it impossible for you to stop interrupting when im talking to the readers?

Happy:thats natsu for ya!

Me: ay. Well now i know how lucy feels.

Happy: its not ay, its AYE! And you forgot to say sir at the end.

Me:not i meant.....wait why am i wasting time explaining things to you, cat?!

Natsu: oh dear. Author-chan has finally cracked.

Me:i have a name you know!

Natsu : cut to the story, im hungry.

Me: grrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Your pov:

Alright! Day 3! Im all fired up! Sorry natsu, but you didnt claim copy rights and i dont like your 2nd punchline. The problem is....i just cant stop thinking about that kiss sting gave me...even though it was just on the cheek. Ugh! Snap out of it y/n! He is sabor trash who is just out to get fairytail down! 

Anyway, pandemonium has started. We sent cana down there cuz , yknow, cana, pandemonium. ...it fits right? Then again it fits for any fairy tail member but whatever. I think cana will do just fine. Woah ! Wtf! Erza just took down 100 monsters! Man , i am never gonna catch up.😢😢

Well, i called it! Cana did awesome! Laxus now ows me 100 jewel, thank you very much.😏

(Le time skip to Ryuzetsu Land, cuz im too lazy to go through all the fights)

I sigh. I am so bored. Sure, everyone's having fun,but im not! I have no one to spend the time with. I wish sting was here. Wait WHAT AM I SAYING?! no. No y/n he was mean to fairy tail. No one gets away with that. Suddenly my hair stood at an end. "Man.....what a lovely parfume. Sniff sniff. Sniff sniff." Ichiya said behind me. I screamed. what? Dont judge me. Wouldnt you scream if a perveted little troll snuck up on you?

"Yaaaaaaa!" I yelled and kicked him to the sky. "Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!" He yelled. "You need to lighten up a little...why dont we give you a foot rub?" Hibiki said near me. "I- uhh..n-no thanks" i said , backing away. "You shouldnt be this pretty. It isnt right."  Ren says as i stumble into him. I shove him away. "Im not sure if thats a complement..." i say. "Youre way too hot..how about i cool you down with some snow?" Eve asks, muffled by the bandages. "I dont think you should be at an amusement park in your condition.." i said, starting to get flustered. 

"Arent there other girls you can amuse? " erza said behind me. I turned. "Oh um. Erza! We'll be going now ..." they said and quickly left. I chuckled. "Thanks erza." No problem. Besides, we wouldnt want you cheating on a certain someone,would we. " i glared at her. "I am more than happy single,thank you very much. " "of course you are." She muttered softly, forgetting my super hearing.

Then,for some reason, i smelled sting and rogue there. Wait. I thought their master was a no fun dude. So how are they here? I turned and found sting and rogue in swimshorts . Sting looked at me and smirked. He came over and said "like what you see?" ,gesturing at his abs. "Im sorry , is there something im supposed to like? I cant....see anything...." i replied innocently. He growled. "Why are you here sting." I said. "We may be the strongest guild, but we need to lay back sometimes." He answered. "So jiemma doesnt know." I said smirking. "Umm, lets just say we snuck out." He replies.

The awesomest wizard,me,y/nWhere stories live. Discover now