...........And maybe a few other guilds too.

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Hiiiiiiiiii! (Imagine that as cat from the victorious episodes) i am bruised. Badly. Beacause of cake. Yep you heard me. Man, next time erza walks in with cake, ill walk out with a doctors note. Yo natsu! Where u at? U said ya wanted to start the show today! 


me:(facepalms) dude thats not for another 2 or 3 chapters! I am truly sorry readers. He is usually like this. Well onwards with the story!

Natsu: wait i wasnt done yet!

Me: ohhhh yes you are bud.

Your pov:

 As i was walking home, i heard yelling coming from the sabertooth guild. Then i saw natsu walking towards me. "Hey y/n! Didnt get into any trouble did ya? " my stomach twisted,seeing natsu. I remembered that i had to tell him the truth and it was killing me inside out. "No... dont worry i-"  i started to say but was cut in half by a crying yukino exiting the sabertooth inn.

"Yukino! What happened?" I asked, running toward her, natsu close behind. She told us how her master made her strip in front of everyone, humiliating her for losing the match. And as if that wasnt bad enough, he made her erase her own guild mark and leave. I was furious. I wasnt the only one. Oh no... natsu was getting angrier and angrier by the second. I understand why.......but im afraid he might do something rash. I would love to go and beat up sabertooth but....the games. We might get disqualified...

"Natsu. Natsu listen to me...." i stammered, afraid at what he might do. " they dishonoured their own guilmate." He said,softly but fuming. "Natsu i know but please... please dont do anything now our team might get-" i started "go back to the inn y/n. Ill meet you there in  a while." He said, cutting me off. "Ok...ok fine..but you cant geg our team disqualified ok natsu? Remember what you said on the chariots. This is for our friends. We cant blow this. Promise me." I said. "Alright....i wont...i just need some time is all....to calm down. " he answers. Satisfied i nodded and left with yukino..

Halfay there i stop. Man, im stupid. Knowing natsu, he'll  probably go beat up the non participants. That wont get us disqualified, but it is definately dangerous.I run back the other way. On the path, i heard a ruckus inside the inn.

Natsu found his loophole.

"Natsu no!" I yell,running inside and gasp at the scene in front of me. Natsu was staring down jiemma. "I told you to go back to the inn." He said, gritting his teeth. "I found my own loophole. You never said not to come back." I say, equally angry. "I have no time for this nonsense. Why are you here, fairy scum." Jiemma thundered.

Now he made me mad. I nod at natsu, telling him im going to help him. He gives me a quick nod and turns. "We're here to take you down how could you do that to your own guildmate?! You should treat your giuld with respect and be a family!" He yells." Ill do whatever the hell i want with my guild. That is none of your business. " he says. "Actually it is. And we're here to show you just how much." I say, getting into a fighting stance. "I have no time for this. Dobengal ! Show these fairies who is boss." 

A thin ninja-y man comes out. "Natsu, get the boss. Ill take this one." I say. Natsu squares off with jiemma while i simply flick my wrist. A skeleton rises from the ground. ( no, im not going to use my fire. I dont exactly want to burn down the place. I have less money as it is.) The skeleton attacks, immediately hiting him with the hilt of his sword. The ninja wannabe crumbles. I snap my fingers and the skeleton salutes to me and disappears. 

"Anyone else want a piece of me?" I ask, innocently. Out of the corner of my eye, i see sting staring at me. I look at him, my smirk quickly fading to a glare. He let yukino get disgraced. He made this happen. I snap my head away from him and focus on the fight natsu is about to begin.

The awesomest wizard,me,y/nOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant