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Lawrence pov

It's camilas birthday, I go to her house early in the morning, I put roses and chocolate at the end of her bed, I then also cook her breakfast also the others but camilas was the best.

I run upstairs at 9:30 and wake her up

"Wake up bitch!" I yell and throw a pillow at her, she whines and cuddles it

"Camila wake up!" I yell, she looks at me and throws the pillow at me

"You're a dickhead! Why did you wake me up! I was having a nice dream" she whines, I giggle and walk over kissing her she kisses me back.

"Because it's your birthday and I made you breakfast" I say, she smiles she looks and sees the flowers and chocolates and smiles.

"Come on" I pull her up and downstairs

We eat and then I rush her to get dressed, she did and I take her to my house.

"Birthday sex?" She asked, I giggle then Look at her

"Are you serious because I'm totally down-" she shook her head

"No" she said, I sigh sadly but nod and push her on my bed and her on top of her

"I said no..." she trails off, I nod and kiss her

"I know" I whisper, I then put a necklace on her and she looks smiling

"Aww! Baby! It's so cute" she said, she sits up and I stay in her lap, she smiles looking at it

"Thank you" she said, I nod and then also get a ring box, she looks at it then at me

"I mean...technically I can't propose to you, age stuff" I shrug, she smiles

"So, I guess it's a promise ring" I mumble not liking this but wanting to do it

"Uhh...Yeh" I shrug, she smiles

"What's it a promise for?" She asked, i sigh and she knew this stuff embarrassed me and makes me awkward.

"Just stuff...like I'll be nice" I say, she giggles

"We're not 5 years old Lo, we're 16" she giggles

"That I'll always love you and protect you and be there for you and that I'll always be an asshole then because you don't want me to be nice" I say, she giggles at the last one.

I open the box and she smiles and takes it out

I open the box and she smiles and takes it out

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"Babe, how much was this?" She asked

"None of your business" I say, she smiles and I look down she picks my head up kissing me, I kiss her back and she puts it on.

"Is that a yes?" I ask, she giggles and pushes me on my back getting on top of me, she nods with a giggle.

"Yes you asshole" she said, I smile and kiss her she kisses me back

We get into an intense make out session

"Lawrence what do you wan-mom!" I yell cutting her off, I look at her with a sigh

"We're having a moment!" I groan, she blushed and nods

"Sorry" she whispered and closed the door

"Jesus, you can never have privacy in this house" I groan

"Don't you have a lock though..." Camila mumbled

"Don't you start, remember I promised to always be an asshole" I say, she smiles and I kiss her she kisses me back.

"What do you want to do for your birthday?" I ask, she plays with my shirt as I'm hovering above her

"Can we go see a movie...get something to eat...cuddle" she said, I nod

"Yes we can" I say, she smiles

"I also want to go to the beach and watch the sun set" she said, I nod

"Okay" I say, she smiles wider

"I also want a space ship" she said, I frown

"I said what do you want to do not what do you want" I say, she giggles and I kiss her cheek

"I'll get you a space ship" I mumble against her cheek

"And I can't make the joke that it's in my pants because it's really not" I say, she giggles

"You can always check though" I whisper, she rolls her eyes

"I love you" I say, she smiles

"I love you too" she said, I kiss her and she kisses me back

Later on we went and watched a movie, we also got something to eat and watched the sun set on the beach like she wanted.

I walk out of the bathroom and get on top of her

"So, you know how you wanted a space ship?" I ask, she giggles and nods

"It's in my pants" I whisper, she giggles and rolls her eyes

"You can't make that joke" she giggles, I pout

"Ouch trans men have feelings too you know" I say, she kisses my pout

"But just check" I say, she giggles

"Baby, I need to get out of my jeans anyway...just check for me, it feels like there's a big space ship in them" I say, she laughs and unbuttons and zips my pants, she frowns and pulls out a toy space ship and Laughs.

"Told you" I shrug, she giggles and I take my pants off and go put some shorts on, I lay on top of her and kiss her she kisses me back and put my hand on her cheek.

"I really really really really love you" I say, she smiles

"Not as much as I love you" she said, I giggle

"I love you more" I say, she raised an eyebrow

"I got you a space ship, to prove I love you to the moon and back" I say, she giggles

"Fare enough but...I love you more" she said, I frown

"No I love you more" I say, this went on for a while

"Fine...we love each other equally" I say, she nods

"I just love you that extra bit more" I say, she glares at me

"Fine, equally" I say, I say I love her more in my head though

"Now can we sleep? I'm tired" she said, I cuddle her and nod

"Yeh" I say, I kiss her neck

"Night baby" I say, she rubs my back

"Night Lolo" she said, she kissed me and we go to sleep

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