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Lawrence pov

I was in my room playing some video games when my dad comes upstairs and into my room, I sigh and pause my game looking at him.

"A family just moved in a few doors down...we're going to say hello" he said, I nod

"Good for you" I say, he sighed

"You're coming too" he said, I sigh

"I'm playing a game" I say, he smiles softly

"Lawrence...come on son, we'll wait downstairs for you" he said, I smile and he leaves closing the door I get up putting some shoes on and go downstairs.

My dad smiles and my mom, dad, brother, sister and I leave, we go to the house that's 3 doors down from us and mom knocks the door.

"Can I have one" I say pointing to the cookies

"There's some in the house" she said, I sigh but nod the door opens and my mouth drops open

"Uh hi" Camila cabello said

"Jesus close your mouth" Taylor said, I blush when mom and dad looked at me, Chris was also shocked but he just found her hot, which she is but it's also my favourite youtuber living 3 doors down from me.

"Hi camila" I say, they all look at me

"You two know each other?" Mom asked, I shook my head

"But...you know her name" dad said, I nod

"She's a youtuber" I say, dad frowns

"She films videos of herself" I say, dad goes wide eyed

"What?! She's as young as you! Does her parents know? What are you doing watching that stuff?!" He raised his voice, I frown.

"What?" I mumble, I think then my eyes go wide

"No no no no! I meant...she's a youtuber not a porn star!" I say, dad frowns

"I mean...she films videos of her talking to a camera and...just look" I say, I get my phone and show him

"Oh" he mumbled

"Gross dick" I mumble, he slaps the back of my head

"Hey!" I say, he giggles and I frown

"Well...I'm sorry about that, but we just wanted to welcome you and your family to the neighbourhood, also these are for you" mom said, camila smiles.

"Yeh I'm also for you" Chris said walking to her, I pull him back

"Dude...if anything I'm for her" I say, I look at her smiling

"God you two are gross!" Taylor said walking back home, mom looked at Chris and I disapprovingly

"We should of just left the kids at home" mom mumbled, camila giggles and then her mom and dad came.

"Mija what's going on?" Her dad asked

"Oh these people are just saying welcome and gave us cookies" camila smiles eating them, her dad did too.

"I'm Alejandro cabello, this is my wife sinu cabello and our daughter Camila cabello" her dad said, I was just staring at her though.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, I'm clara, my husband mike and our son Chris and daughter Lauren...our other daughter Taylor went home, these two were annoying her" mom said, I sigh and she called me her daughter and Lauren, dad seemed to notice so he corrected her.

"Clara, Lauren is Lawrence and our son" dad said, I smile at him and he smiles back

"Lawrence is transgender...we are still trying to get used to the changes" dad said, camilas parents smile.

"That's nice" Sinu said, I smile softly

"Wait...you're Lawrence jauregui?" Camila said, I smile nodding

"Hey!" She said

"H-Hi" I say getting shy all of a sudden

"It's the boy who was the video shout out last week" Camila said to her parents, they smile at me and I smile back softly.

"How are you?" Camila asked

"Uh...g-good...you?" I ask and fidget Making her giggle

"I'm good" she said, I look at dad and he giggles knowing what I mean

"Well, we best get going...I hope you settle in well" dad said, he puts a hand on my shoulder and they say there goodbyes.

"Bye Lawrence, ill see you soon" Camila said, I nod

"Bye" I mumble, dad walks me home

"I was almost sick" I mumble, he giggles

"Calm down, just because she is a youtuber doesn't mean you need to act like a dummy" he said, Chris Laughs.

"No! She acts like that around all girls she finds hot!" Chris said, I blush

"Chris it's he...and seriously?" Dad asked, i shrug and he giggles

"Oh you have no game" dad said, I sigh and Chris laughs with dad

I go to my room and keep playing my video game

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