The Great Game (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"I'm not ignoring it. Putting my best man onto it right now." Sherlock told him.

"Right. Good." He folds his arms and nods in satisfaction, then looks at Sherlock in puzzlement.

"Who's that?" John asked.

Vaness chuckled, "You, John."

John looked at her, then at Sherlock. He grunted.

He turned back to Vaness, "You coming with me?"


Some time later John, wearing a jacket and tie, is sitting in a chair opposite a desk in a large, rather intimidating office. Vaness was sitting beside him as they wait for Mycroft.

John looks anxiously at his watch as if he has been waiting there for some time. The door opens and Mycroft walks in, reading a report.

"John, Vaness. How nice. I was hoping you wouldn't be long." He said.

John politely stands up as Mycroft walks towards the desk, still looking at the report. Vaness who stayed seated tugged John down, so he sat back.

"How can I help you?" Mycroft asked.

He walks straight past them and puts down the report on the desk.

"Um, well, I was wanting to ... um, your brother sent me to collect more facts about the stolen plans, the missile plans." John said.

Mycroft looks over his shoulder and smiles at him. "Did he?"

"Yes." He smiles back a little nervously as Mycroft turns towards him and leans back against the desk.

"He's investigating now." John said that made Vaness sigh. Why do people have to lie? To Mycroft who probably knows everything, nonetheless.

"A different case." Vaness said and John looked at her.

Mycroft put his hand to the right side of his mouth as if he is in pain.

"He's distracted now, because someone decided to play with him." Vaness put emphasis on 'someone' knowing Mycroft knows.

Lowering his hand again, Mycroft smiles at Vaness for telling the truth.

"Um, I just wondered what else you can tell me about the dead man." John asked.

"Uh, twenty-seven; a clerk at Vauxhall Cross - er, MI6. He was involved in the Bruce-Partington Programme in a minor capacity. Security checks A-OK; no known terrorist affiliations or sympathies... Last seen by his fiancée at ten thirty yesterday evening." Mycroft told them.

"Right. He was found at Battersea, yes? So he got on the train." John said as he was writing down what Mycroft said.

"No." Mycroft said.

"What?" John asked.

"He had an Oyster card ..." Grimacing, he raises his hand to his mouth again. John frowns as he begins to realise that Sherlock may have been right about Mycroft having had a root canal filling to one of his teeth. "... but it hadn't been used."

"Must have bought a ticket." John said.

"There was no ticket on the body." Mycroft replied lowering his hand.

"Then ..." John was interrupted.

"Then how did he end up with a bashed-in brain on the tracks at Battersea? That is the question - the one I was rather hoping Sherlock would provide an answer to..." He turned to Vaness, "... but you said he will find the plans?"

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