23 You again

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Deidara's POV

Yet again, I'm on a mission with Sasori. We are supposed to beat the shit out of some ninja that leaked info about us to his village.

We're heading out of the base when I see Itachi with Kisame near the entrance, going the opposite direction of me and Danna. As we pass one another, I catch Itachi's eye. We smile at each other, and I feel all warm inside, my face begins to hurt from smiling for so long.

Sasori looks at me weirdly...actually, not really, since he's in his stupid puppet again. But I can tell that he is looking at me. That's 'cause of being his partner for such a long time.
Anyway, I ignore Sasori in general, since I'm not in the mood to hear him pester me.

We walk on in silence, stopping every few times for a break, earning me a 'You and your weak human body', from Danna. We also take breaks for food. As in, it's me that eats, while Sasori grumbles about how we're going to be late.

Finally, we make it to Yugakure, the place where this snitching ninja lives. We both don't bother with disguises. We'll kill anyone that interferes.

"Do you know the guy's exact location, un?" I ask Danna. His deep puppet voice drifts through the village as he responds, "Yes. He is supposed to be in the nearby bar,"

Pretty soon, we arrive in the bar that Sasori had told me about. It's a tiny building, only one story high, and a rusting sign, which has been bombarded with faded alcohol stains. The ground in front of the bar is littered with broken Sake bottles. I struggle to not step on them, curling my lip in disgust when I do.

I can't believe people even drink. I've tried it once before, and I had to do it in secret, since I was underage. I still am, but that's not the point. The idea is that it's disgusting and bitter, and all it did to me was make me want to throw up.

I open the creaky door to the bar, walking into it. Sasori right behind me, we're both greeted by flying alcohol bottles, and hollers coming from drunkards. I shake my head in distaste. This place is too much. Whatever though, all we need to do is pinpoint the idiot ninja, and then we're out of here.

Sasori pulls out a photo, "This is the man. Pay close attention to find him," he says to me. I nod, taking a look at the photo. And what I see surprises the shit out of me.

It's the guy I let go, the one that caused all this blackmailing crap between me and Itachi. At first, I don't even mind since he actually got me and Itachi to be together. But then, I remember that he promised that he wouldn't tell a single person if I spared him. That little bitch lied. I guess I can't be too surprised, since it's not like anyone cares about this promising stupidity.
Still, I'm going to be the one to kill him.

I scan the room, and soon find the man. I grit my teeth, "Danna, let me kill him," I tell Sasori, glaring at the cursed ninja. Sasori doesn't say anything, only dips his Hiroku head in acknowledgement.

I step toward the man, my stare probably able to burn right now, since my anger is at it's highest. When I reach him, he doesn't pay attention at first, too absorbed in his drinking and rambling with his dumbass drunk friends.

To get his attention, I slam my hands onto the table, startling everyone seated. He glances up at me, not actually remembering who I am, being intoxicated and all. I don't care though. I'm going to kill him anyway.

Instead of my signature 'blowing the dummy up", I reach into my cloak for a kunai. I'm planning on dropping a bomb on the bar once I'm outside. That way, all the idiots drinking their life away won't need to drown in their sorrows anymore. They'll be dead.

I grip the man's collar, smirking, "Thank you," I whisper, because I really am thankful to him. If I had just killed him in the beginning, Itachi would have never caught me, and we would have still gone on as me hating him, and him not caring. This guy is the one who formed my relationship with Itachi, and I thank him for that. But an order from Pain-Sama is an order, and I won't disobey him.

And with that, I bring the Kunai deep into his chest. The people around me gasp, though I doubt they even know what the hell is going on, since they're drunk.

I drop the guy's lifeless body onto the floor, staring down at it I pity and gratefulness. Then, I walk out of the pub, Sasori next to me. He doesn't say much, only gives me praise.

I turn to look at the pub, molding a bird out of my detonating clay. As soon as the bird is ready, I bring it to life, allowing it to land on the roof of the small building.

I walk into the setting sun, a brilliant explosion sounding from behind me.

At least those that were in the bar won't have to drink that disgustingness anymore. I basically saved them, honestly. I'm a hero.

Okay! So, the next chapter is the last one! Finally, this trashy fic is nearly over!! Plz vote and continue to read on!!

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