8 Desires

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Deidara's POV

I stare at the doorway, the one where Uchiha bastard left through. God, I swear, if I tell anyone that Itachi is a pervert, they will surely not believe me. After all, it's Itachi, the best of the best, the epitome of fucking perfect, the man with no flaws.

Another reason why I hate the bastard, actually, is because he thinks he's so much better than anyone else. It's so damn annoying. I don't get why people fall head over heels for him. He's just another human...a perverted, soundless human, and whom I wish badly to kill. I will though, a hundred percent I will. I'll kill him, and I'll dance over his grave. Or, I won't even bury him...he doesn't deserve that. I'll blow him to a million pieces, to show everyone that the so called amazing Itachi Uchiha died from my art. I like the sound of that.

Day dreaming about killing the uchiha takes up a lot of my time, it turns out, because soon I realize that I'm tired and hungry, and it's getting dark. I sigh, and pick up the plate of bonsai that I've prepared. I adore bonsai, after all, so I eat it right away, shovelling it into my mouth hungrily. I finish it in no time, and walk out the doorway.

I head to my shared room, finding Sasori already inside, working on one of his stupid puppets. I plop down next to him, earning an annoying glare from the puppeteer. I grin, because annoying Sasori Danna always seems to help my mood. It almost makes me forget about Itachi.

"Hey, Danna!" I say. Sasori doesn't look up from his work, which only makes my grin widen. "Danna! Danna Danna Danna Danna Danna Danna Dan-,"

I narrowly jump out of the way of one of Sasori's poison needles. Yes, annoying him is fun but the end results aren't nearly as enjoyable. Most of the time, I get poisoned, and throw up, and become very vulnerable to Sasori's attacks. I'm positive that's what he wants though, to get me defenceless so that he can kill me.

Nah, Danna loves me.

I decide that that's enough for today, and flop down on my bed. I don't even realize how tired I am, until my head hits the pillow, and I fall asleep before I can even change my clothes.


I wake up groggily, a yawing, messy haired blonde. I shake my head, as if to clear it from any sleepiness, and then jump off my bed. I rush to the bathroom, take a shower, and clean myself up. I get back to the room, where Sasori hasn't been in since I woke up. He must have gone to pick up some medicinal herbs of his, or some shit like that.

I look on the floor. The window. My bed. The creepy ass puppets. My clay bag.

Fuck, I'm bored.

I wish that Pain-Sama will give me and Danna a mission already. But he said that our next mission is in a week. So until then, I have to deal with this boredom.

How I wish it's just boredom I have to encounter. But I know that that isn't the only thing that's going to keep me company.

Sure enough, as I head down to the kitchen, meeting a swearing Hidan, and a annoyed Kakuzu, I also see Itachi, gazing at me so subtly. No one notices, other than me. I glare daggers at him, earning a soft smirk to rest on the bastard's lips. I sneer, then turn around, my back to him. After yesterday, I don't wanna see him at all.

My morning is occupied with an argument I have with Hidan. That's basically a normal morning, honestly. Every day, it's me and Hidan fighting about literally anything.

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