
762 21 12

Hi 😭😭

I haven't checked into wattpad for a while, but what the fuck did I write😭😭😭

When in the ever-loving fuck did I think this story was good I-😃😃

I mean I'm flattered that people were interested in this fic of course but bro 😭😭

The amount of cringing I did while reading it again-

I don't know I just wanted to add an a/n just so people will see how wrong they were to read this. I don't recommend it and I honestly don't know what the fuck I was thinking while writing it 😭

Also my motivation slapped me and went to buy milk like the little bitch it is, so I'm desperately trying to get back into writing. I have another fic I need to finish and I seriously hope I don't butcher it like I did with this one once my writers block is over and done with.

I'm glad people were invested with this shit (Um how?😭😭) and I thank you guys for that. It'll make you shudder with the horrible writing and plot but that's at your own expense ok?? Don't blame me please 😭😭

But I honestly love you guys I hope you have a great day or night, and I'm always here if anyone wants to talk!

Thanks again hot stuff 😩

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