13 Questions

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Deidara's POV

I did it again. I fucking acted without thinking. And what did I say to Itachi? 'It's because of you'? What kind of shit is that? I wasn't thinking when I said those stupid words. In fact, I've come to realize I don't think very clearly anymore when I'm with Itachi. I try to convince myself that the cause of it is that I hate the bastard so much, my anger makes my brain all fuzzy. How I wish I can believe those words of mine.

Sasori seems to sense my distress, because he looks up from his puppet that he's working on. Seriously though, I think that all Danna ever does is work on his puppets. How many times have I seen him do so? About a million times, at least.

"You're a acting quiet lately, Brat. What's going on?" He asks me. Now, I know that what me and Itachi are doing is supposed to be a secret. If I don't keep it hush, then leader will have me dead. Like, off with my head. Thwack!

But, I'm so tempted to tell someone, anyone, because it's all just too much to handle.

I open my mouth, then close it. Thinking better, I guess, since I really don't want to die at the age of nineteen.

Sasoru doesn't let it slide, though. Unfortunately, 'cause when I actually do wanna talk to him, he ignores me. Talk about life being against you. Sheesh.

"I asked you a question. Why's aren't you answering?" Danna says, his voice as monotone as always.

"I don't even know what you're talking about," I reply, trying to stall. I really can't tell him. I wish I can, but that's not an option. Unless you think that death is something so amazing, then telling Sasori is impossible.

Sasori's glassy brown eyes seem to create a line of fire...like he's trying to control my brain. Serious mind control.

"I don't like being lied to, so tell me what's wrong with you. I don't need a sick partner for missions. If you really are sick, then I myself, will personally kill you, to end your pitiful suffering. But I know you well enough to understand that being ill isn't what you are. So tell me what is wrong with you right now,"

Danna's voice is still soft and velvety like usual, but his words have a kind of menace in it. Kami , he's running out of patience, and I very much do NOT want to be here when he loses it completely.

I try to think of an excuse. Any excuse will work, as long as it doesn't go along the lines of, 'I get fucked by an Uchiha almost every day'. 'Cause that wouldn't help at all.

Thankfully, I don't have to say anything, because there's a knock on the door. A low growl leaves Sasori's throat, before he goes back to his puppet, ordering me to see who's outside our room.

I'm grateful for this miracle excuse, and basically skip to the door. I open it, and find Konan standing there.

Konan is absolutely great. She's like the mother of the Akatsuki. She loves us all, and she loves to take care of every single member.

Konan is beautiful, she really is. She's known as the paper angel, and I can definitely see why. She looks like an angel, for sure, but also acts like one. She's extremely loyal to her friends, and is super kind. I used to wonder why someone as sweet as her is even in a S rank criminal organization. I later figured out the reason for it is because she can beat people's ass' with paper. She really is amazing.

She seems to take a liking to me especially, and I think that's because I'm the youngest member here. I guess that that's a plus to being the youngest, since I get to have this gorgeous angel's attention all the time.

Don't get the wrong idea, though. I don't love Konan in a sexual way. It's mostly because she's older than me, and it's also because she's just too much like my mother, rather than my lover.

"Hello~" she sings to me, holding both of my hands in her one hand, "How are you feeling today? Did you have fun with that game we played?" Konan likes to check in on me from time to time. I don't mind it of course, but sometimes it can be a bit annoying. Not at this moment though, because she just saved my ass from Sasori's questions.

"I'm fine,un," I say to her, smiling. Konan frowns, and I'm worried she, too, can tell that something is wrong.

"You're so skinny, Dei-Chan...are you eating properly?" She asks, concerned. My face flushes a bit. I mean, I know I'm not the most fit guy out there, and I know I'm short and small, but I'm still a man, for Kami-Sama's sake.

"I said I'm okay, Konan," I say again. Konan nods, before pulling me out of the room.

"Well, I'm still going to feed you something delicious I made!" She says sweetly. I follow her to the kitchen, eager to get away from Sasori for as long as possible.

I remember what happened earlier today, with Itachi. The way that I yelled at him, and acted like I was better, and that I knew what I was saying. But I know that it's not the reason for why I acted in such a manner. It's another reason. One that I still don't want to believe. Believe that I, Deidara, the bomber from Iwagakure, is falling in love with the bastard, Itachi Uchiha.

Heh. There ya go. Another chapter. Plz vote on all the chapters, and I'll update soon!

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