17 Broken glass

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Itachi's POV

Me and Kisame have a mission to attend to today. I try to rid all thoughts of Deidara, but it's hard when I know that he's hurt bad. I run my fingers through my hair, perplexed by my situation.

I force myself to keep on walking out of the base, my partner right next to me. His Samehada is sling on his shoulder, the gigantic sword very noticeable. I've always been intrigued on how he could hold such a thing all the time.

After a half hour, me and Kisame have reached the area we're supposed to be in. It's a deserted town, but rumour has it that there are a couple of bandits hidden in the empty buildings.
Pain-Sama ordered us to seek them out, and see what kind of money they have to offer the Akatsuki if we helped them out.

It doesn't take too long to find the group of men we're supposed to pinpoint. They're your average cliché group of bandits; mean looking, badly dressed, weapons situated on their belts.

We near them, and begin to ask them what it is they need. The leader of the group, a man with short brown hair, and a scar across his cheek, tells us that he can give the Akatsuki a generous amount of yen if we slaughter a rivalling group of bandits.

We agree quickly on what to do, and pretty soon, me and Kisame have a name and a address of where these offending bandits are.

They're in a forest, and it seems that they have made camp there. Me and Kisame encounter them head on, a move that most would think of as bold and stupid. That's not the case when it comes to the Akatsuki though.

It barely takes five minutes to kill them. They're incredibly weak, especially compared to S-rank criminals. All they had to fight were measly knifes that al I did was flick away. It was a easy and simple task.

We head back to the bandits that are supposed to give us the money. We have carried most of the bodies, as proof of the slaughter. There are a few that we can't actually bring, since some are ripped apart, and very disgusting to carry.

The bandits praise us highly, and pay us the exact amount of money. I put it in a small poach I brought, making sure that it's zipped tight.

As soon as we're ready to leave, me and Kisame walk back to the base at our own pace. The time to arrive at the cave is about forty five minutes. After all, the abandoned town is in a convenient location, since it doesn't take long to get there.

We hand our leader the bad of money, and watch him count it. He approves of it with a nod of his head. As I said before, Pain-Sama does not speak very much.

Me and my partner don't have much to do now, so we decide to just got back to our room. On our way there, I spot Sasori and the heart that I broke. The both of them are preparing for their own mission.

We near them, and as soon as we are close enough, I have to hold in a gasp. Deidara, the beautiful, artistic angel, looks deadened, lifeless, defeated. His eyes seem so empty, lacking the normal blue light he usually has. And that's when I realize just how bad my rejection has affected him.

I want to carry him, tell him that everything is fine. It takes all I have not to do so, and I take in a quivering sigh. Thankfully, nobody hears it.

Deodara doesn't even spare me a glance. Before, he had scowled at me, even thrown a few cusses, but now...now he doesn't look at me. Not with hate, or love, or anything. He's broken.

I feel so horrible when I land on my bed. The way that Deidara looks now is unnatural. It's so fucking abnormal and strange, it makes my own heart crack a little to see him like this. He reminds me like broken glass, something that's so delicate and fragile, that has been fractured for forever.

I force back the tears, because Itachi Uchiha doesn't cry. Especially not over love. Because I simply can't...right?

I'll update soon! Plz vote!

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