11 Sploosh!

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Deidara's POV

I don't know why the hell I did that. Why did I come to Itachi myself? Why did I have sex with him because of my own needs? What was wrong with me?

Sitting in the bed Itachi laid me on, I curse myself for doing such a reckless thing. It's the bastard that's supposed to come to me, not the other way around. Itachi is the one with his stupid "desires", not me. So why did I do it?

It was a stupid move on my part, for sure. But I suddenly remember the pleasure that came with it, and all of a sudden, it doesn't seem so bad. What is wrong with me? I'm not some sex crazed maniac. In fact, I never knew what sex even felt like, till the Uchiha decide that it would be great to rape me.

I stare at the nightstand beside Itachi's bed. I'm not sure where he is, but it looks like he left when I fell asleep. Then again...how long did I sleep for? I remember being tired, but I couldn't have slept for that long, right?

I get out of bed anyway, and notice that I'm naked. I look around the room, trying to find my clothes. There aren't anywhere in view! I frantically search the room, hoping to find them. Still, after a few minutes, they are nowhere to be found.

I begin to panic –I can't just walk in the hallway naked! I suddenly see the drawers belonging to Itachi. Is my clothes in there?

I open the drawer soundlessly, looking through the clothes. I try to keep things in order, since that's how they're like. Itachi isn't the kind to have a messy room. I continue my search.

I've long given up keeping everything tidy, so at the moment, they are a stream of Itachi's clothes on the floor. I don't care right now, I can't.

Finally, after what seems like forever, I come across the familiar fishnet shirt and pants that belong to me. I put them on quickly, and race out of the room.


I'm sitting in the kitchen, arguing with Hidan, as usual. Sasori is watching us indifferently, while Kisame is talking to Itachi on the other side of the room. As in, Kisame doing all the talking. I don't think the Uchiha is even listening. Well, that's classic Uchiha motives anyway.

Kakuzu is trying to cook something. That something is what I'm not sure of. Konan is humming a tune, cleaning the cave. And then there's Pain, doing who knows what, in who knows where. Lastly, Tobi is playing cards with Zetsu. How, I don't even know. Zetsu is a plant after all, so how he's playing is beyond my comprehension.

Needless to say, it's obvious we're all bored. We're just trying to pass time by arguing, cooking, cleaning, talking and playing.

And that's when I get an idea.

"Hey! What if we practiced fighting?" I asked. I get grumbles in response. I shake my head, trying to find a better way to put it, "I mean, what if..."

I stop for a second, muttering to myself. I don't want to fight, of course, but I want to have actual fun. This gloomy organization needs some kind of entertainment, or else we might actually die of boredom.

Kisame suddenly looks up from his so called conversation with Itachi, and I immediately know that he has an idea, too.

That idea, apparently, has us all sprayed in water. Yep, the moment all of us pay attention to him, Kisame instantly hits us with one of his shark bomb jutsus.

Most of us dodge it, except, I'm ashamed to say, me and Tobi and Hidan. I'm soaking wet, but also grinning like a maniac. Kisame has the right idea. I remember the last time I played with water was when I was back in Iwagakure, and I promise you, that was a while ago.

I jump up from the seat, still smiling gleefully. Kisame grins back, and hits me with another one of his shark bombs. I dodge it, quickly run up to the sink, and sploosh! I splash him back. By now, Hidan and Konan and Tobi have joined in.

Pretty soon, all the members of the Akatsuki, save for Pain, are dodging and spraying water at one another. Even Itachi is playing along.

I turn to him, meeting his eyes. He gazes back at me, and smiles. I smile back, before hitting him with water while he's off guard. He stares at his drenched clothing, before turning back to me. Is that a mischievous glint I see in his eyes? I never would have thought that the man with no emotions would act so happy. Because that's what he is right now.

Both of us are laughing, spraying each other with water. I don't remember having so much fun in my life.

But of course, that's when Pain decides to come in. We stop all our movements, just looking at our fearless leader. Then, as if we can read each others minds, we hit him all together with water.

And Pain joins in, too.

I dunno what this chap is, but eh. Plz vote! I'll update soon!

Sweet thingTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon