Chapter 15

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"I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave my house." Came the drunken slurred reply.

Jorge grunted in frustration before pulling out his gun.

And me? I watch from the corner of the sofa in fascination. Thomas' is in Teresa's lap while Brenda steals glances at them from the furthest distance possible.


Minho sits next to me watching the interaction between Jorge and Marcus with fascination to match my own. Aris making weird faces at me from across the room. I grin goofishly at him and shake my head.

Newt is sat on the opposite end of the sofa with his eyebrows furrowed and eyes fixated on Jorge.

A groan snaps me out of my soliloquy. Thomas flutters his eyes open to a smiling Teresa. Almost immediately Minho joins them.

"Welcome back you ugly shank."
I roll my eyes at the typical Minho response.


My focus is immediately shifted back to Jorge and Marcus. "Wait, this is Marcus?" Thomas interjects.

"The kid catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation?" Marcus chuckles dryly.
"Listen I don't enjoy hurting you, okay? Just tell me where the Right Arm is and we'll make you a deal. You can come with us."

I had my inside worries about bringing Marcus with us but I decide to push them at bay and trust Jorge.

"I burned that bridge a long time ago."

"What's he talking about?" Newt questions.

"WCKD need all the immunes he can get. So I help provide that for them. I get immunes in, they get drunk, have a good time. Then later WCKD comes in and... separates the wheat from the chaff."

I feel my hands curl into fists at his words. Anger flares up in me but before I can make any sort of reaction, Jorge throws Marcus' chair back.

"I changed my mind hermano I don't like you." Jorge practically growls, "NOW TELL ME WHERE THE RIGHT ARM IS!"

"OKAY okay. They have an outpost in the mountains but it's a long way away. You've got half of WCKD on your ass, you'll never make it."

Jorge breaks out into an evil grin.

"Not on foot." He smirks mysteriously.

"Where's Bertha?"

"Not Bertha." Marcus whimpers.

Jorge nods, "Bertha."

A/N: Really boring chapter sorry guys :(

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