Chapter 14

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All too soon, it's time to be on the move again. I walk besides Theo and we talk and laugh. I can see the happiness in his eyes as I laugh with him.

Half a day passes by in a blur of depressingly sick people. The further into the city we go, the less conversation is made and the atmosphere becomes heavier.

"Hey Newt." I tug on his shirt to get his attention.

He turns to glance at me before following my gaze to a group of about a dozen bloodthirsty looking cranks. Jorge clearly notices our worried faces. He stops the others and we stand facing them. I can't help but notice two of them holding sharp pieces of glass. One slash of that in the wrong place and any one of us could be a goner.

Nervous, I inch back. A hand grabs mine and entwines it with its own. I look up at Newt but his focus is solely on the board of cranks. The two with weapons slowly start to approach us. A maniacal grin spreads across their faces. And then they charge.

Minho lets out a battle cry and charges straight at the taller crank. I squeeze Newts hand before letting go and facing my own crank.

Hair is ripped out in tufts and darkened protruding veins decorate its face. A low growl escapes the back of its throat. I snarl back and leap onto its foul rotting body. Hands and legs fly everywhere. I kick and scratch hoping that some of it slows the crank down. But the crank is stronger.

The crank's hands reach over and grasp my neck. I squeeze my eyes closed while still trying to desperately claw at the beasts arms to no avail. Seconds tick by and with tongues my hope of surviving.

I can't breathe.

Just when I could see black spots crowd there edge of my vision, the pressure was released. I immediately suck in breathes of air I never thought I would get again. With my vision still blurry, I look up at my saviour.

A shadow of a boy stands at the end of the building road with a sniper in his hands. He lingers for a second before running off. But a second was all I needed.

To know exactly who it was.

*le time skip*

"You sure it was them?"

Frypan nods vigorously. "Certain." He confirms.

" Good. " Minho states wryly. "Then let's go get Tommy and she-bean back."

And I smile. Because things might finally be looking up.

A\N: thank you for so many views! It means a lot :) so who do you think Jess saw? Don't worry you'll find out soon.

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