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A/N: this is what they wear. Just add a hood to the back.

???: what I did, I did without choice.

Yozora: I know.

???: in the name of peace... and sanity...

Yozora: but was this hell worth it? What did it cost you?

???: (sadden) everything...

The visions stopped, and the others looked at each other in shock, and looked out the window to see the clock tower again. They then met up again and knew what to do.

Arcturus: we have to go back.

Sora: you're right. What was that last image with Yozora? And who was with him?

Riku: let's go home and find out.

Xion: yeah.

Naminé: wait. What if... what if we stay?

Kairi: what? Why would you want to stay?

Roxas: (sees her expression) guys, wait outside for us.

Despite that they wanted to help, they agreed and the five left outside and the pair went out to the hall.

Roxas: Naminé, you know this place isn't real. Why do you want to stay?

Naminé: why not? There's no monsters, everyone we lost is here, and we have what we didn't have back there: a family.

Roxas: but we've made a family with the others.

Naminé: not like that. We have parents, people that don't hurt me or abuse me. For once, I felt like I didn't have to live in fear from either Marluxia or Larxene. Don't you want that kind of life? To not feel lonely, or to have someone to go back to?

Roxas: I do, but I don't want to have that without you. We have a responsibility to those people out there who need our help, and we're the only ones who can do it. But...if this place makes you happy, then I won't stop you. Just remember, I'll always be with you.

Naminé: why do you care so much?

Roxas: because you're my friend. And because... I like you.

Naminé: as a friend?

Roxas: no, I mean... like you like you.

She was a bit surprised by this, but soon the two just found each other looking at one another. Next thing they knew, they leaned into each other, closed their eyes, and kissed.

The others waited patiently for a bit, and soon saw the blondes exit the building

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The others waited patiently for a bit, and soon saw the blondes exit the building.

Riku: are we good?

Naminé: (smiles to Roxas) yeah. We're good. (Roxas returns it)

Sora: let's hurry then. We should be on guard, though. With our luck, who knows what might try and keep us here.

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