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We are walking on the street on our way to Noah. 'We are Going to the hotel where we like basically live. Noah, Millie, Caleb, Gaten, me, our parents,...  It's because we are shooting season 4 in LA. There is the hotel. Noah is very nice. You are going to like him. He is going to like you too!' I nod and smile.' sounds nice!' we are at the hotel and walk in. Its fancy! Theres this women that works here.' Hi Finn! What happend to your eye?' finn smiles. 'it's nothing.' the women looks at me. 'Who is she? Some crazy fangirl that puched you? It's that why you have a black eye?? Do I have to call security?' 'No! Shes not a crazy fangirl! And no she didn't give me the black eye. She is my friend.' He looks at me and smiles. I look at the ground and smile too. 'Oh Okey then. Have fun you two.' Finn looks back at the women. 'thankyou' and we walk further. We arrive to the hotelroom and Finn knocks on the door. 'What's the password?' it's a boy voice. Should be Noah. Finn smiles. 'radagast' Im confused. The door opens. I see this boy with dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He smiles. 'oeehh does Finnieboy have a girlfrienddddd?' Finn's face looks angry but he can't stop blushing. 'No! She is just a friend.. I wanted to take her here so you guys can be friends too maybe. If you want to.' Noah laughs. 'Why would I say no to new friends?'

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