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School is finally over! Im happy I can go home now.. I am walking home and when I'm in half I see a boy from my class. Just don't look at him and walk past him. But then he pushes me and I fall down on the ground. I here a voice. But it's not the bully.. 'HEY ! What's your problem! Why would you do that??' I look up and I see a Boy with curls who grabs the guy from my class. He wants to beat him up, I guess. And It seems like this guy wants to fight back.. Oh no I don't want something to happen.. There faces seem angry. Very angry! I try to stand up. 'guys I don't think this is a good idea..' the curled guy looks at me and the whole world stops for a second when we make eyecontact. His angry face turns into a cute and shy one. He has beautiful dark brown eyes where you can get lost in. Then from out of nowhere the bully Punches the cute guy in the face. He fights right back and even better. I try to come between but the bully pushes me away and I fall again. My wrist hurts but all I can think about is how much I hope that no one gets hurt too much. They keep fighting and my heart is going faster and faster.. It's actually kinda cute of the hottie that he is fighting bc of me. But I don't want them to continue! What if someone kills the other?! I keep screaming 'stop!' buy they don't.. Until I see the science teacher walking trough the street. I wave at him and point to the fight. He sees it and runs into it. They stop and the bully runs away. The teacher listens to our story. 'Its not Okey what Sam did..' oh so his name is Sam. '..but you didn't have to fight..' The handsome boy stands with his mouth open. 'He started! I just grabbed him to say that it was fault what he did!' I nod. 'He is right.' The teacher says that he is going to contact the parents of Sam and he leaves us alone. I see that the boys nose bloods and he has a black eye. 'Are you ok??' he smiles. 'Yeah I'm fine.' oh god.. His smile.. It's lovely! I grab my bag and take out a pack of tissues. 'here, for your nose' he takes it and smiles again. Im melting I guess. After a silence I say thankyou. 'No problem. I don't like that someone gets hurt..' I laugh. 'you hurted Sam tough' he laughs too. 'yeah that's true but that was for a reason. He hurted you for no reason at all.. Oh yeah, I'm Finn. What's ur name?' oh right I didn't say that yet! Finn.. What a lovely name.. 'My name is Cailee.' he smiles. 'nice name!' I smile too. I feel like I'm blushing. 'would you like to get a drink somewhere?' omg! 'sure!'

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