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We found a place in Starbucks in the back. 'Why did he punch you? Is he like a crazy ex or something? Or did you do something to him? No that can't be.. You seem so nice.' I smile. 'Thankyou! Uh no I didn't do anything and no he is not a crazy ex.. ' I have never had a boyfriend but he doesn't have to  know that! '..Its just a stupid bully. Everyone is like this today.' his smile dissappears. 'what do you mean?' I continue.. 'It's my first day on this new school and looks like no one likes me. I don't know why either. Am I weird?' 'No! No..' he reacted fast. 'Are you new in Los Angeles?' I nod. 'yeah I'm from Oklahoma.' he seems surprised. 'oh why did you move?' while I'm telling my story about how my parents died some girls come screaming at our table. I'm confused and Finn smiles at the girls. He takes a picture with them and gives an autograph. I'm still surprised, and then the girls finally leave. I'm looking at Finn. 'uhm..' He's interrupting me. 'Sorry for that.. Just some fans.' I ask carefully: 'Are you famous?' he laughs. 'I allready thought you didn't know me. For example, I play Mike Wheeler in stranger things and have a band.' Oh God I didn't know that.. What do I have to say now? I want to say a lot of things but all that comes out is: 'oh' Good job.. Good job.. He is going to think I'm stupid.. Shit I totally screwed up! But he laughs. 'It doesn't matter! I like that I can talk to someone that doesn't know me at all. Do you want to be friends?' I laugh. 'Yes! With pleasure!' Then it's quiet. Until Finn stops looking at me. 'Oh yes.. The fans have interrupted our conversation about your parents.. I'm really sorry for you! You can always talk to me if you need to. Now we're friends!' He smiles again. Me too. 'thanks.' He looks up. 'you know, maybe I can introduce you to Noah.'

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