Errand Lightning (Part 1)

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Blue Barrier, the place where people live very short lives. That is, if they possess the dominant gene. The place that I'm going to show you right now is Traga, a town somewhere in the northern part of North America. Two of the members of Arcana Defenders are a citizen of Traga, and I'm going to show you one of them for now.


1341 AD, at the northern part of Blue Barrier, there was a town named Traga. Traga was a large town, rich in natural resources, and of course, the citizens could use them well. It was established more than 200 years ago and the welfare of the citizens were still good until this current year. Blue Barrier was the place where most of the runeswords got scattered. In Traga, there was only one person that held the sword. Besides, Traga didn't have such thing as natural magic. Only some people can do magic in Traga and the whole Blue Barrier itself.

One man, named Errand Nielson, wanted to learn Lightning Magic. For years, he talked to the citizens to hear about rumors of a lightning-manipulation user. As seen from Errand's face, he wanted to learn that ability. He believed that the lightning magic could make him stronger. This time, he wanted to go and find this lightning user. He already trained years beforehand so that he could practice the lightning easier. He heard rumors about The Demon King where he put curses on people he deemed worthy. Because some of those people died, Errand just wanted to make sure that he could handle the power properly.

Before he went to his search, his brother waited for him next to the door.
"Going somewhere?", said Errand's brother. His name is Drake Nielson.
"Just trying to make a drastic change",
"Heh, don't put it that way, Errand",
"What, are you going to scold me again?", said Errand.
Drake closed his eyes and smiled.
"Be careful, Errand".
Errand smiled.
"Thanks, brother", said Errand.
"Before you go, ask Frederick Reece to guide you on your way", said Drake.
"Oh, so you still think of me as a little kid?"
"Sometimes, you have to be a little kid again, Errand. I assure you, you don't know where that person is", said Drake.
"I'll think about it", said Errand.
"What again this time?", asked Drake.
Errand smiled again.
"It's my business, see you later, brother", said Errand, then he left.

It was rumoured that the person Errand was looking for was in the western part of Traga. As Drake Nielson had said, it was close to Frederick Reece's house. He had no choice but to ask Frederick about it. His house and Frederick's were quite close, not counting how many turns it would take.
On the road, Errand saw a lot of people walking. That was his habit, looking at people while they were walking. Because of this, people felt uneasy every time he passed, but since he is the younger brother of Drake, everyone respected him.
After a couple of minutes, Errand finally reached Frederick's house. Before he wanted to enter, he saw two people outside the house, about to go somewhere.
"Oh, hello, Errand!", said a voice.
"Hello, Mark Reece, is Frederick home?", asked Errand. The person turned out to be Frederick's younger brother, Mark, a 16 year-old boy.
"He's inside, any business with him?"
"I want to hear about the rumors of a lightning magic user near here", said Errand.
"Oh, so you want to take that power? Any reason why?", asked Mark.
"Well, I want to become stronger, perhaps surpassing my brother, too.", said Errand, and then he looked to the other person who looked like a 9 year-old child. "Hey, little Alisa, how are you doing?", asked Errand.
"I'm doing fine! I'm about to train with my master!", said Alisa.
"Eh? Who's your master?"
"Mark is my master", said Alisa.
"What? Mark, are you sure about that? I'm surprised".
"Well, it's a long story on how I took her back then, but she would have died if I didn't take her", said Mark.
"That's good of you, man. I think you should start and not waste time, Mark", said Errand.
"Thanks for reminding. Alisa, let's go".
"See you, Errand!", said Alisa. Then, both of them left.
Errand approached the door. Before he could touch the door handle, someone already opened the door.
"Well, look who it is", said a voice.
"Heh, quit playing around. What's up, Errand? I assume this isn't just a simple visit".
"Well, Frederick, do you know anything about the lightning magic user?", asked Errand.
"Oh, so you want to meet that guy? It takes courage, you know".
"Come on, dude, I'm ready for it, I've been thinking about it for years. I've trained with my brother so that I can be prepared", said Errand.
"Calm down, Errand. Is that how you ask for a favor?"
"Oh, sorry, it's just...".
"Being in a hurry won't solve problems, Errand. Come inside, we'll talk about it", said Frederick while he invited Errand inside.

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