Michelle Rick (Part 1)

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Let's deal with the people from the southwestern part of Grey Barrier now. They used to have someone travel through a future dimension and came back from it. Eventually, he made the southern areas of Grey Barrier advanced very early. At the time this story happens, the northern parts were still due to adapt to the technology.


1331 AD, there were two regions waging war. The southern part of Grey Barrier and the northwestern part of Green Barrier. They didn't war because of territory claiming, but because of hate. They decided to settle their score on a war. It had been going for 13 years. The southwestern part were known for their utilization of military police.
A man named Michelle Rick was preparing for war with his squad mates. He was one of the members of the military police in his area. Michelle was regarded as the Precision King because of his excellent proficiency using sniper rifles. He learned to use sniper rifles when he was just 18 years old and he mastered it in 3 years. When war came, it was a good opportunity to test his skills and he did so. He was widely regarded for his skills.
While Michelle was preparing for war, someone came through the door to his room. It was his 10 year-old younger brother, Tommy Rick.
"Brother, are you going to war today?" asked Tommy.
"Yes, Tommy, I will be going and stay on the battlefield until at least 7 days or early if possible. Stay here, will you?" said Michelle.
"But, brother, don't you want to play with me before you go?" asked Tommy with his sad face, almost crying.
Michelle went down on his knee, placing his right hand palm on Tommy's left shoulder.
"Tommy, I know, you really want my attention, but there are times where I can't give you the attention you want. Honestly, I also want to accompany you, but this time I'm going on a war. You can't play in a battlefield because it's too loud, plus bullets are everywhere and it could hit your head if you're not careful." said Michelle with a soft voice trying to comfort his younger brother, "When you were born, I was already 20 years old. Imagine you were born when I was also an infant, we could have spent our childhood together, but eventually it didn't happen. I promise, when I come back from the war, I'll spend my time with you".
Tommy cried loudly. Michelle tried to calm him down by hugging him.
"Come on, Tommy, once you get to my age, you'll experience the same thing that I do", said Michelle.
"Brother...please be safe", said Tommy, still crying but he got calmer.
"Thanks, Tommy, I'll be back".
Tommy loved his brother so much because whenever Michelle had a chance to give Tommy attention, he never skipped any single time. Michelle would stop until Tommy himself became tired, that's why he loved his brother. Michelle left his room to meet with his comrades.

In the field, he saw a number of people readying for war. He was a part of Squad 5 together with his comrades.
"Michelle! We've been waiting for you!" A voice called Michelle.
Michelle approached the person.
"Hey, guys, how are your preparations?" asked Michelle.
"Good. We're ready to move once every squad is ready. Your brother care so much about you, doesn't he? I heard your brother crying when I passed your room", said the person.
Every squad was filled with 5 men. The highest ranking member of the squad would be the leader. Squad 5's leader was a man named Pat Lyod, which held the rank of Captain. The other members were Michelle Rick, a Brown Barrier descent named Bogdan Minkov, Michelle's mentor named Dick Gaading, and the squad lieutenant and field expert Howard Reed. The squads were trained people that were always ready when needed.
"Michelle, get ready, in a moment all of our squad will be ready", said Pat.
"Where are our squad assigned to?" asked Michelle.
"Look at this map, right here. We're all ordered to the very south, that's where we handle our enemies. In fact, we're going to handle the most amount of enemies. Squad 7 will guard the seas 30 km northwest of us and Squad 11 will guard 50 km northeast of us. In a maximum of 3 days, all armies will regroup to squads, so there will be two squads together. A squad will regroup to the nearest squad. If a squad is currently waging war, or surrounded while in hiding, a squad will regroup to that squad", said Bogdan.
"Wait a minute, what does this 'surrounded' mean?" asked Michelle, confused by the statement.
"Imagine you're in hiding. The enemy hasn't found you yet but they're everywhere. You technically can't get out of it", said Bogdan.
"Ah, I get it now. Any formation plan?" asked Michelle.
"We're going to focus on protecting you because you're going to be in a position where you can potentially be flanked. Tell us whenever you want to change your position and we'll cover you." said Pat, "Bogdan and I will be the ones covering your position and the other two will wage war. I will be covering your six while Bogdan will tell you where to shoot. Of course, you can shoot freely, but sometimes you need to lend your comrades a hand".
"We're going to handle a lot of enemies, are we going to be just fine?" asked Michelle.
"Michelle, you've been here for 12 years, you still worry about that? What's happening to you?" asked Pat, confused with Michelle's determination.
"Uh, I made a promise to my younger brother that I'll be back", said Michelle.
Pat respected it but he made an annoyed face.
"Michelle, whatever happens, think about the present, okay? This is dead or alive mission. One mistake and you'll get the former", said Pat.
Michelle looked down, thinking that he was wrong.
"Oh, come on, Michelle, Pat isn't fully serious about that, but we hope that that won't happen, just don't worry about it", said Bogdan.

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