Chapter 4

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* spends the majority of my time writing this story at work where I literally sit and do NOTHING ( I mean I can't complain but it gets boring after a while I need some ✨ spice ✨

Anywayyyys enjoy the chapter :)

Let's just say I'm not the best at first impressions

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Let's just say I'm not the best at first impressions

You think everything is going fine when you're having a social interaction but then BOOM your anxiety hits you like a truck no matter where you are and you have to learn to deal with it.

I'm not the best at dealing with it.

As of right now, I am sitting in the passenger's seat of Harry's car post-panic attack. I don't know what came over me really it was just a normal day but now I made it worse and embarrassed myself in public.

Maybe I have to take more of my pills to feel better.

" How are you feeling?" Harry's voice knocks me out of my daze.

" As peachy as Joey tribianni when someone eats his food," I mumble.
Harry stifles a laugh, given a guess the situation that just occurred he's trying to remain serious.

I hate it when people walk like eggshells around me, it's one of the many reasons I'm horrible at social interaction. I don't trust him just yet either so I don't wanna share my whole life story with him.

I need to take more of my pills.

" I'm fine Harry, honestly you didn't have to drive me home, now I have to go back to the cafe to get my car." I'm not in the best mood. Can't wait to tell Kendall about this.

" Hazel you're fine trust me if anything maybe this is a good reason to see you again." he says while looking at me with a small smirk.

that damn smirk. I look at his side profile sort of taking him in. His jawline is very prominent and his skin is seemingly flawless. He has tattoos scattered over his toned arm

" you might want to take a photo it will last longer." he says with humor in his voice. I turn away but can instantly feel the heat on my cheeks as I start to blush.

After a couple minutes, Harry breaks the silence again." So considering we weren't able to get food, why don't we just get some McDonalds or ice cream and go back to your place and watch a movie?"

" that sounds perfect, I actually have a full stack of Ben and Jerry's Ice cream at home we can have," I point my finger at him " but no touching the New York super fudge chunk that's my precious cargo."

He quickly raises his hands in surrender from the steering wheel to show some understand of my total love of the sweet goodness that is my Ben and Jerry's Ice cream

He quickly raises his hands in surrender from the steering wheel to show some understand of my total love of the sweet goodness that is my Ben and Jerry's Ice cream

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" alright got it, now I know to never mess with a girl and her ice cream."

I click my tongue " that is exactly right."

The rest of the drive was in silence, but the truth was it wasn't awkward at all.

Most of the guys or girls I was set up with always tried to cut through it and keep going in the conversation, but if I'm going to be completely honest it just made it even more awkward.

Harry clicked on radio, turning it on, the small hum of Fleetwood Mac softly flooding through the car and Harry drumming to the beat.

I noticed that he had many rings on his fingers that seemed to be from gucci, while he also chipped painted yellow nail polish with smiley faces on it.

I wanted to ask him about it but I was enjoying the music and silence so I decided to keep to myself until we got back to my apartment.

Maybe tonight won't be too bad.

Authors note:
Sorry for the short chapter but I just had to update and hey a short chapter is better then no chapter. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Hope you all are having a fun time probably reading wattpad instead of doing work ( me literally any day)

Lets see how Hazel and Harry get along :D

* chefs kiss* love you all my sweet creatures

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