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Elyza POV

A joyful whistle echoed through camp as I stepped brightly past the gathered caravans, barely aware of the faint twinge in my ankle as the merry tune blew from my lips. Life was good. In fact, life was great. 

A chirpy voice spoke up from somewhere behind me and I turned to locate the source. 

"Looks like someone's in a good mood!"

Monty was grinning at me with a smile that I had almost forgotten. His straight, black hair framed a tanned face, sporting a red cap that sadly did not compliment the striped polo shirt that he was wearing. 

I looked him up and down and whistled sharply, a short sharp blast that conveyed my opinion of his outfit. 

"Looks like someone got changed in the lost and found section!"

"I've missed that cutting sarcasm," he lied, surging forwards to pull me into a tight hug. 

I couldn't remember the last time that I had seen Monty, too damn long that was for sure. He had been a good friend of mine back at the old base. His smart thinking was much appreciated within our mismatched group and he had been a valued member of the leadership.

"Where the hell have you been hiding?" I asked, pulling back to stare at him questioningly. It had been almost a week since I had returned and not once had I even glimpsed him in the distance. 

"Harper dragged me along with her on childcare duties, we're keeping them on the other side of camp where the defences are more secure," he offered, feigning disappointment but it was clear to see that he enjoyed the new role. He had always been good with the children. 

"Good on you," I said sincerely, glad that they were both doing well. 

Monty looked down at the bag gripped in my hand and pointed to it. "What have you got there?"

"Ah shit," I cursed, suddenly remembering where I was meant to be and began to resume my journey across camp with an apologetic wave. "We'll have to catch up another time, don't be a stranger!"

Monty merely shook his head at my antics, more than used to my odd behaviour. 

"That wouldn't be a little something for your new girl would it?" he called after me with a knowing look in his eye. Damn, news travelled fast in this place. 

I spun on my heel and quirked my eyebrows mysteriously, eliciting a chuckle from my old friend. 

"That would be telling."

I surged on through camp at a faster pace this time, striding as quickly as my healing ankle would allow. My destination wasn't far and I was almost certain that I wouldn't be late. 

To my relief, I navigated through the maze of caravans and emerged into the clearing to see Alicia settled on the bench with the radio resting on the table surface. Her legs were crossed neatly beneath her as she intently adjusted the radio dials, so focused on her task that she didn't notice my approach until I was virtually in front of her. 

Her initial surprise transformed into a pleased smile when she recognised me and kicked her legs down as I sat opposite her. 

"Hey, I thought you were meeting Bellamy and Raven this morning?" she said, a slight frown appearing at my evident smirk as I hauled the bag onto the seat next to me. 

"That, was a carefully constructed lie so that I could surprise you instead," I admitted, although I had met briefly with Raven when she had caught me raiding the food stores. That had been a long and difficult conversation which had resolutely ended with me agreeing to serve meals for the next three nights in return for my unofficial visit. I had no regrets. 

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