The Worst of Humanity

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'Where is it you guys broke down?' Bellamy asked, squinting against the morning sun that glowed with a fierce intensity. 

'Not far, about a thirty minute walk at most.'

We had emerged from the block of flats and were moving down the main road, relying on my memory of the last few days to guide us back to the supplies stashed in the boot of my car. 

The wire fence lining the road on our right was ideal in holding back the scattering of undead that pressed themselves in a futile effort against the barrier, their efforts doubling when we strode past at a safe distance, keeping a close eye on their frantic motions.

'You remember that time Murphy thought it was a good idea to wear headphones on a patrol to drown out Celia's whining?' 

'I vividly remember us having to save his sorry ass from the three walkers about to devour him for brunch,' I replied, shaking my head at  the memory. 'Good thing we're not that stupid.'

We turned down a road on the left, taking us further away from the massing walkers. No point wasting ammo or energy to take them out. 

'How is everyone back at camp?' I asked carefully, not meeting Bellamy's gaze as I swept my eyes over our surroundings. It was clear of any undead, but I focused on the beaten up, black vehicle coming up on my left. The crooked passenger door was hanging from the main body of the car and I gripped my weapon tighter in preparation for anything that might lurch out from the dim interior. 

Decent survival skills were not my only reasoning in that moment, more so the hope that my diverted attention would allow my motives for asking such a question to go by unnoticed by my old friend, but of course it was a futile attempt. 

'You shouldn't feel guilty for leaving us Elyza,' he insisted, understanding the concealed meaning to my question immediately. 

'How can you not hear what you just said? I left you, I left everyone.'

Bellamy grabbed lightly on my wrist and pulled me to a reluctant stop as we passed the empty vehicle. 

'You did what you had to, what anyone would have done. Look at yourself now, this is not the Elyza that I saw after everything that had happened. It crushed you and this was exactly what you needed to find yourself again.'

I felt oddly emotional at his words. For so long I had been shrouded by the guilt of abandoning the group, but by all accounts they were still in one piece. The fact that someone as important to me as Bellamy was understanding my actions was certainly a relief. Pre-conceived ideas of distrust and resentment were still applicable to those back at base, but knowing that Bellamy held no such feelings put my mind at rest.

'Are you listening to what I'm saying? You made the right call.'

I nodded slowly, and Bellamy used his grip on my wrist to pull me into a much needed hug. It was odd to think that just a few days ago my hopes of ever reuniting with my friends were close to non-existent, and now here I was, against all odds.

'Now should we adjourn this therapy session or is there anything else I can do for you? Tissues perhaps?' 

'Shut it you,' I growled, stepping back from the hug to point to gun at my hip. 'You don't want to get on the wrong side of an armed lady.'

'I'm just the emotional support, no conflict necessary,' Bellamy said and threw his hands in the air in mock surrender. 

'You'll be needing the support of a crutch if you keep going,' I retorted, shifting the rucksack on my shoulder and pointed down the road ahead. 'Come on, the idea is to get there before night falls.'

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