Scouting Ahead

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I hope you enjoy the chapter! Apologies for the delay but I hope to be updating this story along with the new Clexa sequel if there is enough interest. Let me know what you thought and if you want to see more! Don't worry, a much longer chapter is in progress :D

Bel and I crouched cautiously among the shrubs as we scrutinized the prison from a relatively safe distance. We had left the car with Atom a few hundred meters back to avoid detection, unwilling for this scouting mission to turn into a capture. 

'So...' I began slowly, my mind working through the possibilities of how we could infiltrate the prison. 'We can't just walk straight in.'

'Tried that, it failed,' Bellamy confirmed, having once hoped that simple negotiation would be enough, but the stream of bullets that had been fired in response had quelled all hopes of peaceful interactions. 

'Noted. We can't go from above, unless you have a parachute handy?' 

Bellamy stared back impassively, not in the mood to joke after having lost the suitcases. This was a serious matter, and it went without saying that we would need an ingenious plan if we were to retrieve Nathan from the hands of the gang. 

'I'll take that as a no,' I concluded, returning my gaze to the prison. There had to be some weakness that we could exploit. 'What about from below?'

Bellamy let out an exasperated sigh, assuming that I was still joking, but frowned when he saw the sincerity on my face. 

'You've got to be kidding me, there's no way would that would ever work.'

'You'd be surprised, people are stupid! It can't hurt to try right? We don't have many other options.' 

'The sewer? You really think this is the key to breaking into a high facility prison? Seems unlikely,' Bellamy continued to argue, not convinced that this was the fool proof plan that we were looking for. 

'Aha, unlikely but not impossible.'

Despite Bel's reservations, it was the only option we were left with and we reluctantly retreated to locate the closest manhole cover which we gazed down at with shared dismay, neither of us particularly eager to venture down underneath the city. 

'After you,' Bellamy insisted once we had dragged back the heavy cover to reveal the rusted metal ladder leading down into the dismal depths of the sewer. 

I flaunted an exaggerated smile and swept past him, dampening my disgust with strong resolve as I took the lead and hoped that this was worth the trouble. Once my feet were firmly planted on solid ground, I pulled a flashlight from my bag and illuminated our murky surroundings as Bel descended the rusted ladder behind me. 

'You always take me to nicest places don't you?' he grumbled, digging into his bag to retrieve his own flashlight. 'Why can't we ever go somewhere pleasant?'

I ignored his mutterings and proceeded along the passage, taking the lead along the gravel pathway that lay beside a channel of flowing water. It may not have been the most welcoming environment, or pleasant for those with a sense of smell, but it was our best shot at infiltrating the prison. 

'I'm sure Nathan isn't living in the most ideal conditions right now, so stop moaning and get moving.'

If this plan failed then it would be near impossible to free our friend from enemy clutches. 

We trudged through winding tunnels for almost ten minutes before the first distant sounds of the undead reached our ears. We drew to a stop and looked at each other with equal concern. 

'Did that sound like it came from the street above?' Bel whispered, cautious of how easily the sound echoed throughout the system of tunnels. Sound down here was deceiving and it was hard to tell whether the noises represented a threat or were merely reflections of our own movement. 

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