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Jae was unreasonably bright and happy the next morning, the sun had only recently risen in the sky- Sang-Hoon looked ready to jump off of the balcony, wearing a baseball cap to hide his messy hair and an almost continuous yawn as he inelegantly dragged his suitcase along, slouching across the room. Aera had a pout on her face, bottom lip jutted out as Jae ordered her around- though, as the good friend that she was, she went along with each of his demands. Thanks to her most recent inner conflict, Aera hadn't had much sleep that night.

Rather than her usual dress and beret combo, Aera was wearing leggings, one of Jae's light blue hoodies which was a practical dress on her and a white baseball hat considering she had no energy to do anything with her hair except allow it to lie limply around her shoulders. The contacts were abandoned and the glasses were back sitting on the edge of her nose as she shoved her little sock covered feet into her shoes, a bagel wedged between her teeth and a travel mug in her hand thanks to Jae rushing them out half an hour earlier than they even needed to leave so they could get 'good seats' on the bus.

Aera did not like bus rides, that had been true all of her life thanks to her deadly travel sickness which stopped her from looking at technology or any other stable object while inside a moving vessel if she didn't want to puke up her breakfast into her lap. Rather than renting multiple cars, BigHit had hired a minibus for the seven members of BTS, the three cameramen and the two clothing designers. Those people would all be sharing the house together while another had also been rented only a few minutes away from the first for the eighteen other crew members. The eighteen others had all travelled up the following evening and Aera couldn't believe her horrible luck that she was forced to complete the day-long journey with the people she had been trying her best to avoid- As well as having to then share a house with them in the countryside.

Somebody was playing a horrible game with her and she was almost positive that the members of BTS had something to do with the strange circumstances. Why would they have specifically asked for the designers to stay in the house with them? Why would having the two fashion designers with them benefit any of the boys whatsoever? Aera was far too sleepy to even think about any of it that early in the morning.

By the time the trio had arrived at the bus lane, Aera was shivering from the cold and just as miserable as she had been when they left home. It wasn't going to be an enjoyable journey for the girl who currently had travel sickness bands digging into her wrists... It wouldn't make a difference. The two other cameramen were already seated at the front of the minibus, directly behind the driver which would have been Aera's first choice of seating and they waved brightly at them as they entered. The next row was taken up by Sang-Hoon and Jae who were chatting to one another and Aera was forced to take up one of the seats behind them- trust there to be rows of two. She'd already done the maths and she knew what that meant for her- she just didn't want to think about it as she sat and stared out the window, waiting.

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