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Aera shuffled nervously in her shoes as she followed Jae down the corridor. Thanks to the male's previous hiccup about workers rights a week ago in front of the idols- Gia's work was now being investigated and in response, she had been put on temporary leave which left her work to be filled by others. On that day, as the rain hammered down outside, Aera and Jae were heading to the BTS rehearsal to give them a final fitting of their music video outfits. Just that next morning, they would all be heading to the location, staying in a rented house in the remote forest a few hours away and thanks to the absence of Gia- Aera and Jae had been roped along, dragged out of their office to overwatch the clothing of the idols on camera. It was the biggest job the two of them had ever undertaken and Aera knew that Jae was just as nervous as her- though he hid it well.

In some aspects, this was to be a holiday- the first holiday either of them had been on in years but in other ways- this was just a business journey. If all went to plan, Aera and Jae would have nothing to do except sit around and watch the filming but just as frequently- issues arose, design flaws and clothing malfunctions, things that they were trained to remedy. Aera was at least glad to have Jae coming with her.

When they reached the room, Aera dropped her eyes instantly to her feet, her hair falling in a curtain on either side of her head as the beret on her head blocked her expression. The seven members of BTS were as stunning as ever as they chatted loudly to one another, going over a few moves in a rather sweaty fashion- they had been preparing for this music video continuously and Aera was almost positive that all would go according to plan. She at least hoped that it was. The members were easily the seven most beautiful people she had ever seen before in her life and their presence was enough to make her heart thunder in painful flutters.

"Hi" Jae coughed uncomfortably, tugging Aera across with him so that she was no longer hiding in the shadows of the threshold. Collectively, the chattering stopped as BTS noticed their newest arrivals and Aera felt her cheeks blaze with the knowledge that she was being watched- by the seven most handsome men in the world, no less. She didn't know it was possible to be so painfully attracted to so many people all at once but she most certainly was and it was hard for her brain to process even now, after weeks since their first encounter. "We just came to do a final fitting before you all head off on Wednesday. Is that okay?"

"We can come back later if it isn't convenient" Aera's voice was so quiet, it was hardly audible, except for the creepy silence of the room at large. Nervously, she risked a glance and her heart did a jive at the sight of those in front of her.

The boys were scantily clad, most with their arms exposed due to the pure warmth of the room, sweat dripping and hair ruffled. They looked rugged but oh so beautiful and it incited something in Aera that she'd never experienced before- it pooled a pit of warm desire in her lower body, sparking a furious need in all of her veins. The result of that single glance terrified her. One glance at them was all it took and oddly, she felt as if they knew. The closest male- Yoongi, smiled at her, shooting her a wink that seemed so knowing... How could they possibly know? Were they purely just that certain of their own good looks? Probably. Either way, the wink didn't help her internal aching.

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