protect you - wonchan

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Chan had lifted his head up, eyes glittered as he said in a curious tone, "Why do you need me mother?" She had just said the words that he feared of, "Well your age is the prime time for the power to manifest, I just wanted to ask something of you, or more of ordering you to do it," Chan's breath shortened as she ordered her request. "Use your powers, I am aware the three of you think rebelling against me with surely bring peace, but you have started a consequence that you have signed up for." She got bored looking at her son, so she fixed the creasing on her gown that she would surely fire the old dry cleaner woman over.

"So I request you use your power before I do anything to Jihoon and Seokmin." She threatened the youngest. He was conflicted, flattening his lips into a line, weighing out the options, he would certainly find a way that would let all three of them be joyful and unharmed. He slowly shook his head, the queen's eyebrow raising up. "No? I will give you one more chance Jungchan." A knife raised behind her, she handed it to him using telekinesis, he held the knife by the base. He shivered out of fear, the fact that she had used his real name had made his hands sweaty.

He was deathly afraid that she would use her power against her own son, he suspected that she would.  Suddenly, his hand raised up by himself, her mind manipulation in the mix of his body desperately trying to stop himself as the knife raised to his cheek. "I will make a reason why you need your power of mind manipulation, trust me, I know how much the motivation of a pretty face makes you use your power." She let out a mere laugh as his hand was shaking, she made his hand move closer to his face. The blade of the knife touching his cheek, the cold metal made him shiver. As she made him drag the blade down his cheek.

Blood seeping out of the wound, dripping down onto his uniform, the burn of the cut aching his cheek. His body cried out in pain as the queen smirked. "Still resisting? There will be consequences little one." She got close to him, he stood there, the warmth of the cut was the only source of heat in this cold room with a heartless mother.

She had blew on the wound, making the burn more frequent as she sent him off. The housekeepers looked concerned for him, but the look of guilt more evident on their faces since they were prohibited from helping him unless they wanted to be out of the streets in the middle of the winter on the cusp of spring. 

Jeonghan had sighed once the queen had sent him off back to his quarters, "Do you need bandages Young Prince?" He quietly offered as Chan shook his head. "No thank you Jeonghan but thank you for the offer." He said out loud so nobody would be suspicious of the Prince sharing intel with a housekeeper. He whispered, "I already have bandages in the quarter. Just make sure Jihoon doesn't throw a fit about," He paused, gesturing to his long cut on his cheek, "this."

Jeonghan nodded as he went into the quarters first, not surprised that Wonwoo was sitting on Chan's bed, knees anxiously bouncing, waiting for his beloved. As he passed to Jihoon's room while Seokmin was said to be in the kitchen. He uttered a "Hello Ji." He had made his signature smirk as he saw Jihoon's eyes soften at the sight of him. "Han." He muttered, gesturing for him to get closer as he did the Prince's request. "I'm nervous about Chan. What did the queen request?" He asked, his pleading eyes that Jeonghan couldn't not give in to.

Jeonghan couldn't help but feel guilt as he told the truth, "The queen had punished him. For all three of you not using your power." Jihoon's eyes had widened. Oh god, he didn't want his younger brothers to be harmed for the rebellion that he had started among the three.

Chan stepped into his room, the warm blood had pooled around his hand that covered his wound. Wonwoo's eyes had widened, he stood up in worry, heading towards his lover. "Chan. What did she do?" He uncovered Chan's hand and got even more frustrated. "I knew it, I knew I should've gone with you. I should have protected you" He touched the wound with the weight of a feather, being afraid to hurt the other.

He rushed to the bathroom, grabbing the bandages for when Wonwoo usually got hurt in sword-fight training. His pale hands were shaking frantically as he opened the packaging and grabbed the alcohol. He grabbed a towel and wet the towel in the alcohol before gently patting the blood, cleaning the would before sticking the bandage on Chan's cheek. Chan whined, "Wonwoo, I don't need defending, this is only my first fight, I want to feel like I've accomplished something rather than hiding behind Jihoon or you all the time." He complained, Wonwoo would still protect him, but he knew where Chan was coming from.

"After today, we're sneaking out to the closest town near here since tomorrow is my free day." Wonwoo whispered, Chan gasping and nodding with a grin plastered on his face. It will be the first time he had been outside of the palace walls and town. The color of the sunset enchanted Chan and Wonwoo as Chan sighed, laying on his bed, wanting Wonwoo to lay with him.

It had been uncomfortable for Wonwoo in his iron armor, so he took off the armor, Chan covering his eyes, even though Wonwoo had clothes under. Wonwoo wore a white tee shirt and shorts, slipping into Chan's bed and wrapping his arms around the other, placing feather-like kisses onto the other's left cheek, not doing much since the bandages were covering his cheek but was fine. Chan turned his head and caught Wonwoo's lips. Smiling as Wonwoo blushed, Chan was a very sly person.

He had turned his full body to Wonwoo as he cuddled into the other's chest, Jihoon bursted into the room, gasping as he saw the pair in bed, he got closer and smiled, the two were cuddling. Jihoon had started to search Chan's face for the cut, he frowned once he saw the bandage. "Lee Chan, can you please sit up for a moment. Wonwoo and Chan sat up at the request, Wonwoo still wasn't used to being caught by the oldest prince.

"Aish. Chan. Please tell me you didn't use your powers." Chan nodded and scoffed, "That's why I got this wound!" He stuck out his tongue playfully as Jihoon shook his head with a smile on his face, quickly turning into concern. "Did it hurt?"

"Yes but-" Jihoon cut the youngest off, "I should have protected you more I have failed as a brother I am such a-" Chan put a finger to his mouth, "You aren't a failure, and you shouldn't have protected me more than you already have, Hoon, this is my first fight and I am proud!" He laughed and smiled as Wonwoo rubbed his back.

what do you think? there will be a jeonghoon side story to this ^^

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