"Rehan, look the window to the apartment is open. I need to go and check who is in. Please get the kids up. Sanya, Rosy please come with me."

"OK, check. Do you think I should call the police?"

"Let me go and check first.", I said as I was scared.

"Call me if there is something wrong and if you need me urgently."

"If you need us urgently.", he rectifies his sentence.

We immediately rush upstairs and find that the apartment door is already open. This is scared me. As we go inside and I see a guy standing near the T.V.

I slowly entered the recreation area of house and he turned back.

"So someone is finally back from their vacation?, he said.

"Sid? You here?"

"Don't you bloody ask me, here? Where the hell were you?", he shouts at the top of his voice.

"I had just gone..."

"Just gone? What do you mean? Where are my kids? Do you have any sense of responsibility; you just took them away from me."

"Excuse me. lower your voice. your kids are down in the car. They are coming. They are with my friends.", I tell him also raising my voice.

"You are responsible to take care of the kids, not your friends."

"Sid chill. Calm down. Here, they are here.", I point out at Rehan and Daniel who get the kids up.

"Of course you would anytime trust them more with Rehan, won't you? Such an irresponsible sister you are. I trusted you with the most important people in my life", He said pulling them away from the boys. "And you just take them away from me to Toronto without even informing me. Who do you think you are? If you wanted to sneak out with this guy you could have called me I would have taken the kids away. They wouldn't have disturbed you. At least they would have been under proper care.", he says pointing at Rehan.

I tell Sanya to please take the kids in. Seeing this side of their father is not good for them.

"Will you just shut you bloody mouth for a second to at least listen to what she has to say. You think she is an irresponsible sister? You think she didn't take care of your children properly? So let me inform you Mr. Whatever, you are wrong. You are just wrong. Firstly she didn't even want to go for this trip, because you turned your responsibility towards her. And after knowing the history of you and your wife I'm damn sure that your kids were much happier with her than you'll.", Rehan steps towards Sid and speaks. It leaves me in absolute shock to hear that he has observed so much about me.

"Stop it guys ", I step between them. "Sid, wait we'll sort this out, wait and Rehan please go inside. Please.", because knowing Sid I know he doesn't like other people interfering in his problems. He gets too insecure.

"No I'm not going inside, this guy should know what misconceptions he has. I won't speak anything but I'm not going inside."

"Ok, but please please calm down.", I told Rehan. "Sid?", he is not in the living area.

I go in search of him and find him going towards the kids room.

"Sid..wait what are you doing?"

"I'm taking my kids. I better keep them with some babysitter than with you because you are too busy with your friend."

"Shut up Sid now. Enough is enough. Will you tell me what the problem is? What is it that is making you to behave like this? I don't understand what are you trying to assume, already assuming or making others believe. What is that is troubling you so much?"

He almost runs into tears when he sits at the window pane.

"She has asked the court to grant her the custody of all the kids and also been granted the permission of it because she proved that I was so irresponsible to be there at that time and keeping the kids with you. Now the only way that I can get my children back is either fighting the case which I'm sure that I'm loosing or by me and Lauren getting back together which is certainly not possible."

"No please don't say like that and how can you say that you are going to loose the case. We will have the kids with us.", I said running my hand over his back.

"I'm loosing it, because when they came to know that the kids are here with you, the court send some people to check and confirm but none of you were here and I certainly didn't have an answer to where you and the kids were? So her case got stronger.", he said placing his hand over his head.

"But don't you worry I promise we will get this sorted. No one is taking you away from your kids.", I tell him giving him a tight hug. I can see that he is completely broken inside. The only people he loved apart from Lauren were these three kids.

"Hopefully, can I please take them home for the weekend?"

"Who am I to stop you? They are your babies. Of course you can."

Sid leaves with kids.

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