Chapter 7

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Sputter, sputter. The car was making a weird sound and it seemed that everyone else noticed except for Maggie of course. "What is that?" asks Cole.

"I don't know? It sounds like a monster" Maggie shuttered in fright . I looked at the monitor and of course the needle was pointing on E.

" It seems like we're on low gas" I mutter under my breath. There came to a fin all ha ult in the middle of nowhere.

"Well what should we do now?" Cole through out the question like if we were hanging out in the summer and were bored doing nothing. I open the passenger side door in the back seat and get out.

" Walk, that's our only option" I shout poking my head through the door. I gave them all a nudge tor wards the road in front of the car. I was hoping that maybe we would make it into a small town or something before dusk or else we might have to sleep in the hay bales.

Everyone evacuated the car at the one motion. We all started great walking on the hard pavement till a four miles later Maggie started getting all dramatic about how tired she was and that she couldn't hold Ca boodles any longer. Cole picked Maggie up and Piggy backed her the rest of the way while I tried my best carrying the flabby cat. Finally about an hour later and now we were all at Virge of collapsing. Mom was breathing like a water buffalo and Cole started shuffling on the road as Maggie was singing "Some nights" by Fun in a very off pitch tone. As I was about to call it a night I spotted a small figure up in the distance.

" Is that house?" I ask with hope. Cole then sets Maggie down and looks tor ward my direction.

"I believe it is" My mom says with so much enthusiasm I have not seen since the night she won a honey baked ham at bingo. Maggie spun around with joy with Ca boodles in hand and I sure felt bad for that cat. I was so overwhelmed with joy I could have ran, but let's face it I was SO lazy I could barely walk with joy. Everyone else also made up their mind and decided just to walk, and that we would get there eventually, except for Maggie of course she stuck to twirling. 

Sometimes I wonder is she would take anything seriously. We all walked a mile before reach ing the small house. To me it looked like the small house on the pr airy. It was small and old looking, the only difference was that it wasn't on a pr airy. We all walked up to the door step and gave three knocks. Everyone jumped back when a short old man with Beard almost up to his knees came out with a shot gun pointed at our heads.

"What you want?" The old man grumbles.

" Well sir, we broke down about five miles away from your house and were wondering wondering if you could spare some food, gas, water, or let us spend the night if you would be so kind" My mom says in the most polite way possible.

I look over to Cole and his hands were up in surrender, I whisper over to put his hands down and so he did.

" Are ya'll cops? You'll never find my stash" He shouts at us, his eyes looked like they would pop out.

"No" Maggie answers with a giggle

" Is that a drug dog?" the old man points his gun at Ca boodles.

"No that's a cat" I reply tired of his stupid questions.

" I know woman, I can see" the old man screams.

"Sure he can, I would love to visit this state so I can catch sum six year old cops and a drug cat" Cole says with sarcasm in his voice.

" I was making coo kin chilly, ya'll can come in and stay one night if you want?" The old man gestures us inside.

" Than ck you, we greatly appreciate it" My mom gives the old man a warm smile. We all then walk into the house, There was something fishy about this old man and I did not like it one bit.

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