𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐗𝐗𝐈𝐈𝐈

Start from the beginning

"I believe her Majesty is here for more than just sympathy, father." Luke spoke up, bringing his hands behind his back.

"Indeed. I'd like to know why you ignored our plead for help. We have supplies, but it's supplies to use without men." I almost snapped, not being able to control my agitation.

"Sophia, I have just as many enemies as you do. I cannot risk the loss of soldiers." Andrew replied cooly.

"But you have so many more soldiers than we do! Surely you can spare a few!" I cried out but he shook his head. "Seven companies." I said after a few seconds and the desperation in my voice caused Luke to look at his father thoughtfully. "Five!"

"I'm sorry but I cannot help you." he went back over to the table and picked up a pawn. "The political situation is complicated."

"Complicated! Isn't the death of innocent people complicated enough? You are supposed to be our ally!" I yelled in disgust before I scoffed and walked out, my blood boiling with anger.

Luke's POV

I watched as Sophia disappeared behind the wall, contemplating whether I should go after her or not. I frowned.

"She only asked for five companies." I breathed, watching him lean against the table as he examined the pawn. "You very well know that Ocerallia has double the enemies than what we do. We need to help."

"Yes, and what if we lose those companies? We will look weak in Keits eyes, so we'll send more and lose those too. When do we stop?"

"But how do you know we will lose those companies? This is a perfect way of showing Keit our strengths. They need to know that we are strong allies with Sophia-"

"No Luke, we are strong allies with Ocerallia, not its Queen." he suddenly fired back and my mouth snapped shut. "Lately, I've noticed that about you; you side with Sophia more than you side with your own father. Your feelings for her are clouding your judgment. That is not the way a future King should act."

"There are no feelings, father." I mumbled looking down, only for him to cock an eyebrow.

"If there weren't any feelings, you certainly would not be siding with her as much as you do. Ever since she arrived here you've been acting different and even your mother and I have noticed the way you look at her. You make it very obvious, Luke." he couldn't help but chuckle as he placed a hand on my shoulder. "But I'm sorry, we can't help here." he said and then simply walked out, leaving me to curse under my breath.

My father was wrong to think like this because Ocerallia was still our ally and they needed our help. Not to mention, it wasn't fair on Sophia.

I hated seeing her in distress and I desperately wanted to help her. My father however was proving to be a nuisance to this matter and I couldn't think of anything that I could do to change his mind.

Then there was the question of why did this attack suddenly happen? We were only at Edmunds party a few days ago and I made sure there was no contact between her and him. What was going on?

Before I could stop myself, I ran out the throne room and up the stairs, just as Sophia had reached the top.

"Sophia!" I called, skipping two steps at a time until I was just opposite her. "I'm sorry, my father is just making up excuses." I said and her rolled her eyes. "Please wait. I want to help you. I think this will be a good way to show them how powerful we can be together." I grabbed hold of her hand as she went to go but she instantly stopped

"You do?" she asked quietly and I nodded rapidly.

"Yes, I see things differently from what he does does and I believe we could push Keits armies back."

"But that is your fathers decision. For now we remain powerless." she sighed, her worried expression returning.

"I know, but I will try to talk to him. I'm his favourite son so it shouldn't be that hard to get through to him." I joked causing her to let out a small laugh. "But I will convince him; even if he doesn't agree. I am on the same side as you and I want you to know that." I assured her,  squeezing her hand tightly.

"Thank you, Luke. This isn't the first time you've come to my aid and I honestly can't thank you enough."

"You don't need to thank me. I'm just being a good ally... and a friend." I managed a small smile at the end of my sentence, even if it was painful enough to say. "We'll work it out; together." I said, as her eyes began to bore into my own, creating a tight knot in my stomach.

Once again, before I was able to control myself,I leaned down and gently left a kiss on her cheek and her eyes fully widened...

I shouldn't have done that.

Sophia's POV

"Well, thank you again. but I must go write a letter to my mother now." I pulled away awkwardly and I scurried off to my room, my heartbeat loudly thumping against my chest.

I shut the door behind me and I pressed myself against it with my back. My hand trembled as I lightly caressed the spot on my cheek and I sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

Luke was by far the kindest person here. He always had a say in things and was always willing to help me despite the consequences. I admired him for all sorts of reasons but his kindness and honesty was what really drew me to him.

However, the constant attention he was giving me lately was very flattering and it was somehow pulling me towards him in a very odd way. It was a something I hadn't felt before but deep down, it all added up.

All the butterflies that appeared in my stomach at the most inconvenient times? The way I would stutter around him? Or how he was on my mind every minute of every day?

I didn't know how to properly explain it but the thought of it all made my heart skip a beat.

I then strolled over to my bed and flopped out on the mattress, staring up at the curtains in silence. I brought my bottom lip between my teeth for a while, thinking about how Mari was always telling me how she felt when she was in love and surprisingly, I was now sharing those feelings.



I was in love with Luke.

Hehehe, this fic is finally getting interesting lol.
This chapter was enjoyable to write and I might consider adding a few more POVS.

But for now,if you enjoyed,please drop a vote!We're nearly halfway to 500!

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