The protecter

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Character: dream

You were down lately clay could tell. You weren't motivated and nothing cheered you up. Not kisses, not cuddles and not hugs. He was confused and worried about you. What he didn't know was your toxic ex boyfriend was messaging you again making you feel forgotten, unworthy of love and disgusting. This guys name was mark. Mark would act all sweet to you but emotionally abuse you. He would always say he would never hurt you physically but what no one knew when you were dating was that he was emotionally hurting you. When you broke up with mark he was salty and tried to keep you from leaving. Your best friend saved you. He was named Ryan. Ryan told you that you were good enough and that you were perfect. Then you met clay. Oh my gosh he never let you forget how special you were. You were happy for a long time but now, a year after you got together with clay, mark was texting you again And you felt like crap. But now here you are laying on the couch in your apartment you share with clay crying about a text you had just received.
It said:
"Mark: I can't believe you left me. You don't deserve the boyfriend you have. He probably knows what a worthless b*tch you really are."
It was all too much for you. You cried and you cried hard. You don't even notice clay getting home or running up to you, worried. He grabs your hands and you look at him with puffy eyes
"Omg baby what's wrong?!" He says worried. You sniffle
"M-my Ex boyfriend texted me." You stutter out. He grabs your phone opening it with his fingerprint. He spends a few minutes scrolling and reading with a disgusted look on his face. When he finishes he puts your phone away and looks at you.
"You are perfect just the way you are y/n. I love you and nothing will change that. What he thinks doesn't matter. I blocked him and sent him a message from me." He says. You look at him smiling.
"Thank you clay. I needed that." You hug him and he hugs back. You read the message clay sent as clay goes to the kitchen to start dinner.
"You: Hey dude. You are never to text my girlfriend ever again. You hear me? If you do I will find you and I will hurt you. Take this as a warning. I am very strong and won't hesitate to put you in the hospital."
You smile. Your protecter has come to save you. You go into the kitchen to see clay finishing up microwaving frozen pizza. He looks at you and hands you a plate. You take it to the kitchen with clay on your heels. You two eat and talk happily and the move to the couch to watch a movie. He cuddles you and kisses your forehead. He reassures you that you are loved every once and a while. You fall asleep in his arms feeling happy, secure and most of all loved.

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