Movie night

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Plot: movie night (with dream)

You are sitting on your bed scrolling through insta when you hear a knock at your door. Confused, you get up and open the door and see dream standing in your doorway carrying a pillow. He was in his pjs.
"Uh hello?" You ask with a tinge of salt in your voice. You were tired and he didn't even announce he'd be coming.
"Hi. Sorry I didn't call. I wanted to have a movie night." He said with that goofy smile you couldn't resist. You want to stay stubborn and say no but you can't.
"Fine come in" you finally say opening the door more for him. He lights up and comes in.
"Yay! You rock y/n! We are gonna have a great time." He sets his stuff down and drags you to the couch.

After 30 minutes, you guys had successfully made a pillow fort. Dream got in and looked at you expectantly. You climb in.
"So what movie?" He asks laying back in the pillow fort. You lay down next to him snuggling into the crook of his neck.
"I don't know you pick" you say distracted. You are too busy looking at him and admiring his features. His blonde hair that barely makes it past his jaw. His sparkling green eyes that are focusing on the tv. You run your thumb down his jaw caressing the soft skin. He looks down at you and smiles. Redness creeps into your neck and cheeks.
"I picked the movie" he said softly. Suddenly all you could see were his eyes. The hints of gold and emerald swirling around in his eyes. You snap out of it blushing like a tomato.
Dream starts the movie and you cuddle farther into him. He starts to run his hand through your hair. You two stay like that for the remainder of the movie. When it finally ends he sits back up and you sit up as well. He looks into your eyes and then he eyes slowly go down to your mouth. He leans forward and your lips connect. You immediately melt into it wrapping your arms around his neck. He holds your hips and deepens the kiss by tilting his head. Your head goes blank. All that existed was him and his soft lips. He kisses you softly and moves one of his hands to your cheek caressing it softly. You both pull away because unfortunately you both need to breathe. He giggles a little obviously high off of happiness.
"I will never get tired of kissing you y/n" he says sweetly. You look away blushing.
"You're not too bad yourself" you reply smugly. He laughs that angelic laugh. You swoon.
"Well I probably need to get home" he says with a tinge of sadness in his voice. You frown.
"Oh." You say.
"I'll see you tomorrow?" He says getting up. You follow him.
"Yeah tomorrow" you reply. You are at the door now. He turns to you in the doorway and pulls you into another kiss. You immediately kiss back smiling into the kiss. He pulls you close by the waist and sighs softly into your mouth. You pull away. He releases your waist and smiles.
"I just needed another kiss. You taste so sweet" he says with a smirk on his face, obviously flirting.
You blush and reply with "shut up and leave stupid" you laugh to let him know you are joking.
"Ok bye. I love you y/n. I'll miss you." he says sweetly. You blush deeply.
"Bye. I love you too dream. I'll miss you too." You smile and continue smiling as you watch him walk away. You close the door sighing. Dang you are in love.

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