Dancing in the rain

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You sat on your couch with dream next to you. The tv was playing some rom com. The rain was pouring down outside. Suddenly dream is snapping in your face. You turn to him
"What?" You ask. He sighs
"I've Been calling you for like 5 minutes. Are you deaf?" He laughs and you smack him.
"I am not deaf. It is called selective hearing. I only listen to smart people. It's just natural." You smirk at him. He gasps
"How dare you?! I'm a genius." He laughs. You stare at him while he has a laughing fit. You love how his eyes crinkle when he laughs really hard. The way his green eyes sparkle. He looks at you and you look away blushing.
"Hey don't stop looking I know I'm beautiful" he says smugly. You blush harder
"Shut up" is all you can say back.
"Hey" he says suddenly. You hum in confusion. " we should go dance in the rain. Like the couples in the movie do." He looks at you expectantly.
"Sure" you say. He immediately grabs you hand and you both run outside into the pouring rain. You both are immediately drenched. He grabs you waist and suddenly you are dancing. You get lost in each other's eyes. His green meeting your brown. His hair was growing out so little blonde strands were stuck to his face. He pulls you close and you rest your head on his upper chest. Your height difference makes it so his head rests on top of your head. You stay like that swaying and smiling for what seems like hours. Just you, him and the rain. After a while he pulls away and kisses your lips softly and kisses all over your face: your nose, your cheeks, your forehead and finally your lips again. This kiss lasts longer because you pull him close. He obeys and holds your hips steady. You sigh into the kiss. Suddenly his lips aren't on your lips they are on your neck. He wasn't really giving you hickeys he was just kissing all over your neck. You laugh because it tickles which just encourages him more. Soon you are a laughing mess and are begging him to stop. Soon enough he does.
"You are my favorite person y/n" he says. "Being with you is like being in heaven on earth. You hav made my life so much better and I thank you." He finally finishes his declaration of his love. You blush.
"Omg you are such a sap clay. But I love you too" you say back. He laughs and lifts you up by your waist. You laugh together. This must be heaven. Life couldn't be better than this, you think. He puts you down and you kiss. What a wonderful life.

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